OT: Who gets the last word?

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remington69 said:
Ahhh... Don't waste your time fixing it over and over and over, just trade it in for a Honda.
If it's not Japanese, it's CRAP!

(sorry, but that is a FACT.)
ThraxDude said:
Ahhh... Don't waste your time fixing it over and over and over, just trade it in for a Honda.
If it's not Japanese, it's CRAP!

(sorry, but that is a FACT.)
You know, my 84 Buick Regal was great but my 96 Taurus--not so great. I am at 158,000 miles and I just put in a new engine. I love my sound system. I bought the high-end, not SHO, version in 96 and drove it out of the showroom. It's got the 6-speaker JBL system sounds awesome when you have Potter's Field or Payback blaring at 10. For that alone, I could not get rid of it. We are looking at a mini-van next. Uggghhhh. But great for hauling the little ones.

O/T--Anybody want a mean cat? We're probably gonna have to put him down. He only likes me and my wife and he's started attacking my son. Little guy is scared shitless of him whixch just encourages the cat. He loves people who are scared of him. I can't have my son being afraid of his pet and nobody will want a 17 pound cat who hates them. I am not seeing many options.
remington69 said:
Well, I'm going tomorrow to buy a Sonata, and Korea's near Japan...somewhat. i would love to get a Honda, but don't have quite enough funds.
My brother has a Hyundai (an Accent I think), so you should be fine Remington. He had some great freinds at the Chrysler\Hyundai dealership where he used to work as a mechanic and dispatcher that hooked him up.
remington69 said:
Well, I'm going tomorrow to buy a Sonata, and Korea's near Japan...somewhat.
Well, I hope that works better for you.
I think most American made cars are built to breakdown soon after the warranty expires.
If they were reliable, I'd be all for buying American. But they are not.
That sucks. Hope you didn't buy tickets or anything nonrefundable. As consolation, you can have the last word if you want it. I'm done- gotta clean the snake tank. He made a mess and it's rather smelly. :yuk:

I know there are many bigger problems to worry about, but I miss Air Conditioning!!
I've had AC problems for a couple months now. I had some one come check it out, and the unit needed to be replaced because it siezed. So the guy replaced the unit.
The AC worked fine for about a week, then stopped working again. So I called the guy who replaced the unit and he said he'd call me back later that week....
...He never called, so I called him... He didn't answer, so I left a message.
Eight days after he said he'd call me later in the week, he calls and says he's sorry he didn't get back to me. He had problems with his girlfriend...yada, yada, yada.
So he came out and checked the pressure, couldn't find a leak. While he was working on it we talked about crazy women...blah, blah, blah.
Then he tells me I need a new motor in the blower in the furnace. It seems that the filter in there hadn't been changed since 1984 (when the place was built), and the blower is covered in dust and debris, and running too hot.
So he said he'd come back Saturday with a new motor.....
Saturday morning, he called and told me that he's going to be running late because of another customer.
So I waited around 6-fucking-hours for him to call me back! I called him and left a patient message, saying I'm just wondering what's going on.
Then, today (Monday), I have a message on my phone. He said he's sorry about Saturday, but he had "dimestic problems" and ended up in jail.
He left 2 other messages saying he can replace the motor today, and asking me to call him.
Needless to say, I'm not calling him back.

Sorry for this whining, but typing problems on this board makes me feel a little less pissed-off.
Ragamuffin said:
Mmmm Recirculated air.

I wish I had air conditioning.
It's expensive, and worth every fucking cent. (It's 84 degrees in my condo now):heh:

I had the last word for almost three whole days. That is BY FAR the longest I have ever held it, and if someone's fucking air was working, I might still have it. I think Tad should have started a new thread. :D

Anyway, it sucks about your AC, Tad. Hope you can find someone reliable to come fix it.

I think that's the longest anyone has ever had it. I'd check, but that's like 360 pages to read through and...fuck all that noise.
Hehehe. I figured, why start a new thread about random useless info when this is the thread for that stuff?
BTW- I called the guy-who-makes-me-wait back. I asked for compinsation.
So he didn't charge me for labor (about $60) and is only gonna charge me for the new motor (about $90).
Turns out that he got in a fight with his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend.
Remember kids:
Losing your temper only causes problems. (In this case, it cost him about $60).
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