OT: Who gets the last word?

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Aww...y'all miss me! :oops: Been busy with work lately. We have a high school student in the lab for the rest of the summer, and I've been stuck with the job of making sure he doesn't fuck up our experiments. Fun, I tell ya. He's already managed to delete the IP on the lab computer and screw up our print server. So much for having him surf the net all day!
YourAuntieSocial said:
Hey DarbysDad!
What is this thread about anyway? :loco:
I think this thread is about Random Acts of Sensless Threading. :loco: We throw a lot of topics around in here instead starting other threads. It's cool like that! :D How you been Auntie? Hot as ever I take it.
DarbysDad said:
I think this thread is about Random Acts of Sensless Threading. :loco: We throw a lot of topics around in here instead starting other threads. It's cool like that! :D How you been Auntie? Hot as ever I take it.

I was just acting clueless, but I like the explanation! "Random Acts of Senseless Threading!"
I'm a Madden fan myself. But might pick that up just to satisfy my football gaming desires.
And damnit, my house cd player ate my favorite cd I've been listening to the last couple weeks. Soil's new one. 3 disk cd player thing I was trying to play it and the cd tray ejected out to load cds and the cd was still in it and it's reading that there's no disk in the player, so now I have to take the damned thing apart. Stupid electronic stuff.

At least AVP comes out soon and Hellboy on Tuesday. That movie was actually just damn funny and entertaining. And they've reinstituted comedy night at a local bar here with comedy tours. So I shall become a fixture on Saturday nights again there. Just some random senseless thoughts going on here. Seahawks better kick ass this year, as they will!
New (sorta new) Thrax in November...I've just heard it confirmed from another person that Bruce Willis is in town, but supposedly he has a house by the REM guitarists (don't ask me which one) but I know that's only like a couple blocks from my house. Shit, a friend of mine lived across the street from there. But, I think the other house location he bought is more plausable.
I finally own every Stephen King book, except the non-fiction and I don't own Thinner (I have all of the other Bachman's though) and a friend I hadn't seen since high school works at a bookstore near me and he's going to hook me up with getting all of the King books in hardback. He's the guy that got me hooked into Anthrax by bringing his brother's tape of Persistence of Time over one day. Damn that brings back memories.

So uh, well, I guess that's all. Sox beat the Yanks this weekend. Sorry Scott, but I hate the Yanks. And I think since the M's are sucking so bad this year, it'd be awesome to see the Sox get the Big Unit and having the Schilling/Unit/Pedro combo pissing on the curse.
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