OT: Who gets the last word?

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I got a new set of wheels this weekend, a Hyundai Sonata. I'm pretty proud to say that I got the dealer to give me it for $4000 under sticker. Go me! So, here's a pic of the car...doesn't it look snazzy. Granted, it's not a Mustang, but I had to think realistically when buying a new car.

alright, back read and have caught up
Yeah Scott, I would usually steal the last word cause at work all I'd do was be on message boards all day. BUT! now I work somewhere else and they're stricter about that. We're also busier, but it's a better busy unlike my last job. This job is awesome, pay is slightly less (bad), but because it's not in Oregon, so no Oregon tax (good) and only a mile away instead of 15 miles, less gas wasted (good) and that right there makes up for that. In fact, the lack of Oregon tax alone made up for it. I missed one day last pay period (approved time off, but unpaid) and I had a bigger check that I would've had not missing any days at my last job.

And the job is doing very well, so that's why you don't see me on here as much. I try to check at least every night, but I usually end up not doing that and only every couple days.
Maiden actually has to work now. She also needs to get her PC at home fixed.
bRaT should be back on here soon.....
What the hell, is there like a one woman limit now? This sausage fest is getting out of hand.

That was good.
I don't know anything about computers anymore. after I left tech support, someone asked me for help and they thought I was serious when I said, "I don't know how to fix that, I don't do tech support anymore"
Ragamuffin said:
What the hell, is there like a one woman limit now? This sausage fest is getting out of hand.

That's pretty funny--it's becoming one big circle jerk! :tickled:

Maybe we should start a masturbation thread next? Who do you think about? Do you use your right or left hand? preferred lube?

Reil, Congrats on job!
Ya know, I just heard something today that's going to make Brat jealous. And to think she just bought a new house too. And in AZ.

Bruce Willis bought a house here in Walla Walla. Well, a very large house on the top of a hill overlooking our airport on the edge of town (about a mile and a half out) and I know where it is exactly. I knew someone that lived on that same hill.

And they worked out my bonus program at work Friday night.:headbang: :Spin:
When's the next Chicago Anthrax show?
nafnikufesin said:
Hmmmm a masturbation thread...I'll bet Thra:rofl:ude has some pics for it
.....if these walls had eyes........... or hidden cameras.......

By the way, I can assure everyone here that stroking it does NOT cause blindness.
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