OT: Who gets the last word?

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No trends in my house, Beer, Whiskey and Water, so I'll be left behind there. Unless its my parents My Dad Vodka Marti and Mom a Manhattan (no bitters).
Vodka and OJ, nuff said right there. Friend of mine got the Spark stuff once, I didn't think it tasted good. Kinda sucked actually.

DD, I like cats, they taste like chicken...actually, don't know if mentioned in here somewhere before, but Dog Jerkey was actually pretty good. But didn't know it was dog jerkey till after the fact. I wouldn't eat it again willingly though.
We had some fun at work last night.

The front end manager, Joe, is a giant pain in the ass. He never answers his pages and lets us go hours without a "pickup" (clearing out the wads of cash in your drawer) or getting us change. We've actually learned to get quite crafty in the coming up with change department.

So last night, he finally called back but he told us he was in the middle of a crisis, so we'd have to give him a minute. That minute turned into two and a half hours (which is really quite typical).

So we decided to invent a crisis of our own, in case he should call and need something from us. We found it when it was discovered that one of my co-workers put the Busch Light where the Bud Light goes.

So we kept yelling "The Busch is in the wrong place!! Someone put the Busch back where it goes!" Customers thought we were on crack (or possibly some spiked egg nog), and fun was had by all.

Maybe you had to be there....
DarbysDad said:
Brat - When this same Unresponsive Manager needs something from you is like I need this now, now, now.
No, well, at least not with me. I've made it clear to him that two can play at every game there is, and I'm quite capable of beating him at his own.

He likes to have lottery shut down and sent to him no later than 9 o'clock. But since I can't send it to him without my checkout sheet, or the tubes to put the money in, he gets what he needs after I get what I need, and if that doesn't happen til I'm closing the fucking store, then that's when it happens. On those days, he hides when he knows I'm headed for the time clock.
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