OT: Who gets the last word?

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Zurich Lowenbrau is one of my old favs. I used to pay $8 a sixer for it back in like 1989/1990, well worth it


Now I'm old and drink Bud Longnecks and have a beer belly to rival Santa.
nafnikufesin said:
It is the one with the jalapeno in it. If you find drinking tobasco sauce refreshing, be my guest. Seriously, there's about six or seven of us that paly poker and rate beers every Monday night, but if you wanted to send me some of your ratings, there's no reason we couldn;t include some other opinions :D
One of the best beers I've ever tasted was brewed by myself.
It was an IPA, from a recipe that my homebrew shop provided. It was so wonderful. It smelled nice and hoppy, but it wasn't bitter!
Add that one to your list: "That one IPA that Thra:rofl:ude made that one time."
Oh! Another great beer is Jarre Creek Amber Ale! Made here in Castle Rock.
DarbysDad said:
Now I'm old and drink Bud Longnecks and have a beer belly to rival Santa.
Until I worked in a convenience store, I had no idea just how many people drink beer, but especially Bud, and especially the Longnecks. Last night, we didn't have time to stock the cooler through the night like we usually do, and when we left, the Bud section was empty.

In addition, I had no idea how many people chew tobacco, and it turns my stomach every time I sell a can.
And I can't get into Hotmail today for some reason, which is why Tad's empty-handed right now. I have to jump in the shower and start my day now. I'll try again tonight, but I won't be home til almost 11.

I couldn't get into my Internet banking, either. My whole Internet experience is sucking muy mucho lately.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
And I can't get into Hotmail today for some reason, which is why Tad's empty-handed right now. I have to jump in the shower and start my day now. I'll try again tonight, but I won't be home til almost 11.
I'm imagining you in the shower, and I'm not 'empty-handed'.
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