OT: Who gets the last word?

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Thanks (it really isn't a big deal...all I did was fuck my wife :lol: ). We're still trying to figure out possible boys names (the girls name is already picked out). "Scott" has made the final three (and if so, I'm going to push further by having "Ian" as the middle name :D )...wait, another Anthrax reference!!!
It would be worth staying sober for.
So I assume you're waiting until the baby's born to find out if it's a girl or a boy (Michelle or Scott Benante Yobnikufesin)??
nafnikufesin said:
January 13, give or take. Antonio was two weeks early, which could mean a New Year's baby. Which means I have to stay sober on New Year's :cry:
Don't count on it. My son was 2 1/2 weeks early, and we used the same logic. Tonya came along 4 days before her due date (and I wanted her out MUCH SOONER).
We'd prefer after New Year's, just so the baby's birthday is as close to Christmas (and not taking away from his or her special day). I'm still booking patients in early January, so I hope it doesn't come before then so I don't have to reschedule everyone.

We tried to find out early (a couple times actually), but the baby didn't cooperate with the ultrasounds, so we'll have to be surprised with Scott/Alexander/Ethan or Amanda. Looks like this baby might even be more stubborn than Antonio :D
nafnikufesin said:
We tried to find out early (a couple times actually), but the baby didn't cooperate with the ultrasounds, so we'll have to be surprised with Scott/Alexander/Ethan or Amanda.
Ahhh...keeping the legs crossed? At least, if it's a girl, that would be a good habit for her to have.

What does Antonio think of the new baby? Has he tried to help name her? When my sister had my neice this summer, my 4yr old nephew wanted to name her "Boogerhead".
When my sister was pregnant with her second son, her first son (my nephew, Brendon) would pat her stomach and say "baby".
Brendon, who is 3-years-old, was sitting on the lap of a pregnant lady from their church. So he's just sitting on her lap, and he knew that she had a baby in her 'stomach' because she was getting big. And she mentioned it to him.
So Brendon pats on this lady's tummy and says, "Big baby," and then he pats on her tits and says, "Little babies."
I'm so proud of my nephew!
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