OT: Who gets the last word?

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When my son was first learning to talk, my husband taught him to say "Boobies!" He would yell it out at random times, usually in line at the grocery store or something. Boy, was I proud. :rolleyes: Luckily, he only says it now when my husband provokes him, which is much less often now.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Do they pay taxes in Canada?
Big taxes. That's why all the hockey players move to the U.S. :lol:

We're trying to figure out what would be most financially viable...to have the baby before New Years and claim an extra dependant on our 2004 tax return, have him/her right on New Year's and get all sorts of publicity for the first baby of 2005, or just hold out for 2005 where, being a centennial year in Alberta (that's a province in Canada, for those of you that don't know), any babies born get a "bonus" from the provincial governament.
nafnikufesin said:
Right now, Antonio just refers to it as "bebe". Of course, he points to my belly and to his own belly and thinks babies are in there, too.
That's cool. Joey was too young when Tonya was born (19 months) to really have any idea. I kept trying to tell him, and he had no interest in what I was saying. He just knew that at some point, we moved his car seat out of the middle and put a new one in. Eventually, he saw a baby in it, and threw toys at her. :Smug: Oh, and he pulled her off the couch when she was two days old, but I had already anticipated that and she landed on a pile of pillows and in front of the X-Mas tree, so she was pretty mesmerized by the whole thing.

Also, I think boys handle another sibling better than girls do, because everyone I know who had a girl first, she completely freaked out and turned into a psycho brat for no less than the first eight months. But all the boys I know and have heard of on the board (there aren't many daughters or nieces around here, I'm seeing), they're like, yeah, it's cool, and then they go back to watching Bob the Builder.

I asked Joey a few months ago if he wanted a baby brother, and he said no, he wants another baby sister. Which I found surprising, since he spends all of his waking hours finding new and improved ways to piss Tonya off. Unless he figures he'll have twice the fun. :Smug: Too bad for him I've ruled out the third child angle indefinitely.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
When my son was first learning to talk, my husband taught him to say "Boobies!" He would yell it out at random times, usually in line at the grocery store or something. Boy, was I proud. :rolleyes: Luckily, he only says it now when my husband provokes him, which is much less often now.
Boobies :D
Speaking of Kids, my wife and I had nice White Trash Christmas sing along with the kids this past Friday and Saturday nights.

We all sang Motorheads "Born to Raise Hell" at the top of our lungs.
nafnikufesin said:
Boddingtons is still the #1 beer we've rated so far, and I don't think anything will ever supplant Ed's Original Chili Beer as the worst beer ever.
NFF. I think you typed that wrong. I LOVE Ed's Original Chili Beer (the one with the jalapeno in it, right??)
And Boddington's is weak (the one that pours like Guinness, but is too sweet, right??)
I guess I'll go to your reviews and be sure to try the beers you hate.
You need to get some different beers. You up for some suggestions?
Black Beaut Porter (Deshute's Brewing I believe), Wry Stout (Mill Creek Brewing, but it might be out soon), IPA from Mill Creek Brewing), the aforementioned Celebrator Doppelbock (no idea who brews it, but it rules, I get it at Old Chicago's)
ThraxDude said:
NFF. I think you typed that wrong. I LOVE Ed's Original Chili Beer (the one with the jalapeno in it, right??)
And Boddington's is weak (the one that pours like Guinness, but is too sweet, right??)
I guess I'll go to your reviews and be sure to try the beers you hate.
It is the one with the jalapeno in it. If you find drinking tobasco sauce refreshing, be my guest. Seriously, there's about six or seven of us that paly poker and rate beers every Monday night, but if you wanted to send me some of your ratings, there's no reason we couldn;t include some other opinions :D
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