OT: Who gets the last word?

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there ya go DD. knew that you'd know that one. never cared for that song. maybe cause heard it all the damn time back in Walla Walla.

bout time brat got back, maybe we'll get to 10,000 now. and my work doesn't allow me to post, so that screws that.
remington69 said:
None of my hich school teachers were. I had only 5 male teachers...all ugly.

Of course, I know of a teacher who I have the hots for...my fiancé. (You can puke now)
All of my male teachers were ugly, unless you count Mr. Royce in seventh grade, but I'm not sure if subs count, cause he was a sub. I only had him a handful of times, but all the girls drooled over him. Which was pretty funny because we were all still in the "boys are disgusting germs" phase, so the boys got mad that Mr. Royce was popular (as they had entered the "we want to feel boobies" phase).
I think it's a rule in Hickville (Wally World) that the teachers aren't good looking. and besides, they were like old when I went there.
I know girls were always drooling over a student teacher in high school, so we would always pull pranks on him and screw with him.
The only song I know all the lyrics for without needing the music is Thunderkiss '65. And with the amps stolen out of my car, so no tunes, sometimes gotta use the human cd player/repeat 1 option.
Christ! Is this thread STILL going? it was here last time I was here and that was about two years ago! not up to 10000 yet? whats the matter? cat got your mice? or milk in the keyboard? :loco:
Full marks for effort tho! :worship:
Same here Brat. I have a horrible voice.

Just like little boys, my voice changed around 8th grade. I used to be a soprano in the grade school choir, but now I can't hold a tune for the life of me.

Although, when my throat's sore, I do have a nice sexy, deep voice!
I just do the ole cookie monster vocals. Course, then my voice dies not long after. How do those guys get that deep voice? I only did that singing when it's only me in the car, and windows up, sun roof closed. To sing in front of others, gotta be karoake night and with plenty of alcohol.
remington69 said:
Same here Brat. I have a horrible voice.

Just like little boys, my voice changed around 8th grade. I used to be a soprano in the grade school choir, but now I can't hold a tune for the life of me.

Although, when my throat's sore, I do have a nice sexy, deep voice!
Me too! I was in the choir in 4th and 5th grade, it all went to hell in middle school. I can't even sing Wiggles songs, my kids tell me to be quiet.
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