OT: Who gets the last word?

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Yes I have a used Soundstream SA 264 4channel amp. and a Soundstream Rubicon805 5 channel amp a Soundstream TR1600 Tarantula 2 channel, and a Soundstream 1 12in SPL 2 12in Soundstream Davinci's 1 Soundstream Tarantula T2's 12in 2 Soundstream 15in T4's and 2 12in Soundstream Exacts all collecting dust.
Uh oh, upon further review, and this really sux. I realized I can't find my 24 cd wallet in my car. Most of the cds in there were mp3 cds that I put in there that were copies of cds I own, because I didn't want the originals stolen. But, there were 4 cds in there, that weren't cd-rs. Korn's Greatest hits (had to get it, just cause), Pantera's Greatest hits (again, had to get it), Powderburn single that was given to me by the manager of the band, and.................................................................................the audio cd of Music Of Mass Destruction. Now that really pisses me off. I bet those people who stole it (since they left White Zombie) aren't metal fans, so they just tossed that cd into the trash. What assholes, now I'm even more pissed off.
Shitty, man. Do you at least still have an MP3 copy of the Anthrax?

I keep mp3 cd's in the car, too...that way I don't have to change discs often either, or can have a killer mix. I put the MOMD onto mp3 as well, including rips I made of the four tracks that were only on the DVD and not the CD.
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