OT: Who gets the last word?

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:yow: :yow:

But I'm hoping not....Only because if you'll do backflips for a banana you'll probably end up with my job....If they threw 5k on a table and asked me to do backflips I couldn't do it...I just don't have gymnast in me.

But if you ever want a reference from a fairly decent office ape...let me know and i'll help you out!!

lespaulbass666 said:
hey tman...... do you think some day i could be an office monkey when i grow up???? i'll do backflips fo a bannana :Spin: just kiddin' i couldn't resist :wave:
Fuck Yeah! I close on my townhouse on April 15th! Beers all around!

Of course, now I have to go get furniture and stuff. I told my other half that beds and sofas come before a big screen TV. He didn't like that idea, but I'm sorry if I want a place to sleep.
First I'd like to thank all of you for giving me the opportunity to share the big eyed smilie with you all..... He'd like to thank you as well:yow: Next I'd like to thank Gregadeth for bestowing this great? and honorable? title onto me .....I will try to uphold this tradition of "post whoring" until someone can step in the ring and try to take it from me..

I guess it's good to be the king....Though i'm a little confused as to what a "Post Whore" is.....I mean I don't get anything from posting whereas a whore gets money or drugs...Bottom line gets something in return for the service.
But anyway thanks for caring enough to make me the king!!!
And I promise you more big eyed fucking smilies than you can possibly imagine
because that's the way he:yow: wants it!!!!!

:yow: :yow:

GregadetH said:
T_man is the king of post whoring. All hail the king!
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