OT: Who gets the last word?

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It's definintly not more of the same. This is a darker, more emotional song than most of pop punk bands put out. Blink 192 tried that shit and it blew up in their faces and now they're broken up. Thats actually a good thing cause now Travis can focus more on Transplants, who are playing this years warped tour.
:yow: :yow: :yow:

I'd like you to help me out.....I don't have an extensive job history due to the fact that I don't get fired and usually stay employed for awhile, why don't you tell me master of the "Real World" (Which is kind of stupid since you have a higher post count than me and obviously spend quite a bit of time outside the "Real World") which of these jobs is real in your little disillusioned mind

1. Concrete Foundations - 9 years (Still work every other weekend under table)

2. Receiving dept - Unloading trucks, suck ass paperwork, etc...

3. Purchasing Dept - Buyer for medical device co (current job)

You want a coalmine....I wanted to advance, that's just probably one of our MANY differences....But hey dude, I don't want to upset you and make you sad again,So no hard feelings and here's someone to keep you company..

:yow: :yow: :yow:

mentalmeltdown said:
Any job that allows you time to post on some internet forum isn't a real job. Get real. I'd like to see you work in a coal-mine for a change.
:yow: :yow:

I'm not insulting coal mine work...So if that's what you do...cool!!
I don't really know alot about it.but if it keeps youy grounded in the "real world"
Good for you!!

:yow: :yow:

mentalmeltdown said:
Any job that allows you time to post on some internet forum isn't a real job. Get real. I'd like to see you work in a coal-mine for a change.
:yow: :yow:

You find a diamond while you're down there mining....Would you be willing to split the profit?? Maybe I could buy myself a spot in the coal mining industry.

:yow: :yow:

mentalmeltdown said:
Any job that allows you time to post on some internet forum isn't a real job. Get real. I'd like to see you work in a coal-mine for a change.
:yow: :yow:

Everytime you see coalminers in movies they wear like gasmasks on their faces
Do you wear one of those?? And where can I get one??
As soon as you find the diamond and split it with me I want to buy one..

:yow: :yow:

mentalmeltdown said:
Any job that allows you time to post on some internet forum isn't a real job. Get real. I'd like to see you work in a coal-mine for a change.
:yow: :yow:

Alright man, here I sit at the desk of my job....I'm a little tired from my morning workout...I guess what I want to know is....Am I sitting in my office in the "real world" or should I have just stayed an extra hour at the gym and gone home....I know which one I would've liked to have done.

A friend wants to say hello....:yow:

mentalmeltdown said:
Any job that allows you time to post on some internet forum isn't a real job. Get real. I'd like to see you work in a coal-mine for a change.
:yow: :yow:

You cry me another river about living in the "real world" and how being a coalminer is much more real then those of us monkeys with office jobs..
I perfectly happy with it and am actually hoping to advance in the company within the next 12 mos....But good luck to you in the coal mines!! Don't breath that dust in though...I hear it's bad for you(But you probably knew that)

:yow: :yow:

:yow: :yow:
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