OT: Who gets the last word?

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nafnikufesin said:
A few Antonioisms for you...see if you can guess what each of the following words mean (one point each):

1) Pokey-dokey-okoko
2) Jamamamas
3) Bbwaah

1) Some sort of dancing ritual he uses to torture Amanda
2) Pajamas (They're "jammies" in my house)
3) Hmmm...I'll go with "bra" although why he'd know that word is a little odd...

Here's something parents will appreciate:

The other night, out of the blue, my husband drew a candlelit bubble bath for me. (He does this every few months, usually when he can tell early in the evening that he's not getting anything without a significant effort put forth.) My son runs in the bathroom before I can get in there, and tells us how great it is. My husband tells him to go to bed, the bath is for Mommy. He said that every once in a while, Mommy likes to be pampered like a queen. To which Joey replies, "She's not a queen, she's a parent!" :Smug:
I have never seen one single thread with 439 pages and over 10,000 posts. o_O

Well, I might as well add one.
nafnikufesin said:
You got that one right, though we've never used the word "jammies" ourselves. The first is "Pinocchio" and the third is "elephant" (based on the sound it makes).

Well, I've been able to escape Pinocchio. If my kids have ever seen it, they've never asked for it again. I've also managed to escape Dumbo and Jungle Book, as my kids have attached themselves to Finding Nemo. In a big way. They've got an "underwater" bathroom, and Nemo everything, like bathing suits, a million shirts, even their wipes case. I'd still take it over some of the crap I had to watch when I was their age.
Antonio has never seen Pinocchio, but we've read the story. He watched Dumbo a fair amount when he was going through his whole loving elephants phase. Nemo was a big favorite for a long time, as were most of the Pixar movies (Toy Story 2 was probably his favorite), but right now, it's Scooby Doo and classic Spiderman cartoons, with a good portion of Star Wars (episodes IV-VI only in our household...damn, if I'm going to let Antonio think that R2D2 can fly).
Nemo is the biggest phenomenon our house has seen and there's no ETA on its departure, which I don't really mind. I've learned to accept LazyTown, and even find myself laughing at Sportacus and his silly arm movements every 3 seconds. I have no idea when Spiderman cartoons are on and I've never seen them to buy, so they don't watch those. My husband keeps leaving Spiderman 2 on (HBO) but I'm not thrilled with them watching the movies yet, since (as I've discussed before) I have to censor what they see because of the reactions they can have later.

But he does have the Spiderman sneakers, and bed sheets, and slippers, he's up my ass for some T-shirts, and last night I asked what he wanted to be for Halloween and wasn't even slightly surprised that he said Spiderman. (Tonya wants to be a Disney Princess, by the way, but it has to be pink, which I think is Aurora.)

Lately they've been watching whatever is on Nicktoons. Unfortunately, that channel is in the living room and not the playroom, so we have a battle of wills when it comes time for them to go back to plain old Nickelodeon. But they've been sick the last two weeks, and I'm a big sucker for giving in to sick kids. And they know it.
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