OT: Who gets the last word?

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You forgot to finish that sentence NFF...
"I did what to the sheep?"
Wait, that's Montana. Was there last Sunday night/Monday and for someone like me growing up in hickville, I had no idea what hickville was until then. I'm glad I escaped back to civilization.

Which, leads me to The Amish's Funny Truck Driver Story of the Week, and this one was great.

We have new hours of service for trucking that goes into effect tomorrow (Oct 1st). Well, we had to go to a class for it, and after the class a bunch of us were walking out of the terminal and I see a truck doing something stupid. The Swift Terminal is located on a street that has a no truck sign because just past the terminal, is a bridge that trucks CANNOT cross. Well, what sometimes happens is a truck, that isn't Swift, will see a Swift truck turn onto that road and realize too late that the Swift truck is going to the terminal, not cutting a 1/4 mile out of the road back to the highway. So these winners get faced with some fun choices. I've seen a Covenant Truck try to turn around in the CAR parking lot of our terminal, and that was entertaining to say the least. In fact, when I saw this truck Thursday when I was leaving the class, I told one of them about the Covenant truck and we had a chuckle. We watched the guy backup (smart move) and come into our truck parking lot where he can turn around. My truck was parked across the parking lot, so I was waiting for him to turn around before I went across. I then realize he's turning really sharp. I start saying aloud to the group that was there, "why's he turning so sharp, what the hell's he doing, uh...he needs to stop...dude!!! STOP!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

The dumbass driver and about to have a REALLY REALLY bad day truck driver turned really sharp. He had seen that we have 2 gates to enter, 1 to leave. He saw the gate closed on the exit and so he went towards the entrance gate. Well, if there's 3 gates, 2 are entrances, 1's exit, and the exit is manned by security, I bet there's a spike strip blocking you from driving out the entrance. And, an observant driver would have noted the 3 signs driving into the terminal lot, felt the thumps of the tires going over the spikes on the way in, and noticed the 3 signs saying stop, before driving his steer tires over the spikes. Now, on trucks, the steer tires are the important tires. Those have to be perfect, brand new tires. You can take old steer tires and put them on the drive axles or on trailors, but steer tires have to be new. He just had a very bad day. I had been up for a long time with little sleep, so I didn't care to watch the rest of the comedy, I didn't think he needed another person in the crowd of drivers gathering around him, so I went into my truck and tried to catch some sleep.
:tickled: That's a great story Riehl!

I love stupid trucking related stories (my dad's been a driver for the past 30 years). You'll probably enjoy this. I work right by a major freight terminal. So, there are always tons of trucks going by my building. Unfortunately, on the next street over, the viaduct is only 13'. There are signs all over warning drivers about this. But, there's always that stupid driver who doesn't want to wait in traffic on the main street and heads down the road with the viaduct. Then proceeds to get stuck. This happens at least once a week. You'd think the GIANT "No Trucks" sign would give them a clue. Apparently not.
Yeah, I've heard and seen stuff like that with truckers hitting low clearences. On the way to where I used to work, on the highway there was a low bridge and a trucker hit the bridge with a large crane.
NFF- I forgot mention my weekend. While I did not draw on my face with pool cue chalk this time, I did drunk dial...my cat. Then, I got upset when the cat wouldn't answer the phone. I also was setting sugar packets on fire. When my husband took the matches away, I started eating sugar packets. Good times.
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