OT: Who gets the last word?

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JohnThrax said:
PS: the longest thread I have ever seen come CLOSE to this had 4,000 posts
There's a similar thread on the UM general chat board...I started it after this one, and it shut down a few years ago after 17000 posts or so, when the UM servers were a lot slower...a second one restarted and now has 18683 posts as of this morning.
Well, folks I caved in and started smoking again:confused: This is the busiest time of year at my work and everyone is on edge and pissy with each other and I got into a really heated argument with my boss and well, you know the rest....Fuck :yell:
It's okay. You had a slip. The average person has 8 slips before they successfully quit. Don't let yourself fall all the way back to the beginning again, and keep trying to quit.

Yeah, I wish I could take you to my house and explain that to my girl. She is going to be pissed:ill:

I don't know where you live, but in Illinois, they have what they call a "Quit Line". You call and meet with a counselor that recommends the best course of action for quitting. I wonder if there's something like that by you?

I live in Michigan and we have stuff like that here. I just never tried it. It doesn't sound like a bad idea because I have pretty much tried everything except that
MyHatred said:
Well, folks I caved in and started smoking again:confused: This is the busiest time of year at my work and everyone is on edge and pissy with each other and I got into a really heated argument with my boss and well, you know the rest....Fuck :yell:
Don't be too hard on yourself. I know how it goes. I smoked almost 2 packs a day when I was in the Army and managed to quit back in '96.
Then, after my divorce last year, I started up again.
I quit again on Christmas day.
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