OT: Who gets the last word?

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ThraxDude said:
A couple Anthrax roadies- and I think Frankie was there during this conversation- told me that, of all the places in the world Anthrax tours, Canada is the biggest pain-in-the-ass to get into.
Don't get me wrong, they love Canada. But they were saying what a pain it is to go through Canadian customs.

It's actually the same for Canadians going through US customs. You'd think that for 2 such "neighborly" countires, we'd be nicer to each other, but it doesn't seem to work out that way. But if any if you guys ever need to stay in Edmonton after you've actually made it through customs, give me a ring. Not that you'd ever have a reason to come through this frozen wasteland between October to March, mind you.
Welcome home, dude.
Thanks. I did have a beer on the beach for you BTW, just like I said I would.
Last time I went to Canada (in '99), i had no problem. Of course, this was through Windsor in a car and was pre-9/11.
I'm still debating if I should get a passport. I have no plans in the forseeable future for going to another country. If we go on any big vacation, it's back to Alaska.
am I the only one here thats from a small town and hardly EVER travelled out of state? I have been to Denver, but I didnt get to see much since i was on a trip for high school band. I have been to Oklahoma City, but I didnt get to do much since I shredded an alternator belt, then I went home. I have been to Sacremento Ca. but I didnt do much since I went there to get some of my then girlfriend now wife's clothes she had left behind (*before she moved back to Ne.). Other than that, I have never really left the state of Kansas. Although I was in those cities, I didnt really get a chance to enjoy them.
remington69 said:
Last time I went to Canada (in '99), i had no problem. Of course, this was through Windsor in a car and was pre-9/11.
I'm still debating if I should get a passport. I have no plans in the forseeable future for going to another country. If we go on any big vacation, it's back to Alaska.
It takes such a long time to get a passport, you may want to get one well in advance of planning any out of country trip just to make sure there aren't any complications.
nafnikufesin said:
It takes such a long time to get a passport, you may want to get one well in advance of planning any out of country trip just to make sure there aren't any complications.
Plus they're good for like 11 years or something...
*checks passport* Okay, they're good for 10 years. I just looked at my passport. I forgot that I got my passport on Sept. 17, 2001.
I flew over seas three months after 9/11. My friends and family members told me not to go overseas. But I wasn't going to cancel my plans. I was like, "If I die, I die."
I lived.
Sweden? A gold metal contender in the ladies hockey? No... no... we´re as surprised as anyone else that got a silver.

But the fake game the guys played last night against Slovakia just so they´d meet Switzerland in the quarter... fucking lame.
nafnikufesin said:
It's actually the same for Canadians going through US customs. You'd think that for 2 such "neighborly" countires, we'd be nicer to each other, but it doesn't seem to work out that way. But if any if you guys ever need to stay in Edmonton after you've actually made it through customs, give me a ring. Not that you'd ever have a reason to come through this frozen wasteland between October to March, mind you.

It's easy as hell to get into Mexico. Coming back was a breeze, too. This was pre-9/11 though, and they claim that they are tougher now, but I have a hard time believing it.
warparty666 said:
Looks like Russia going to knock off Canada.
Ouch. Canada gets shut out in 3 of its last 4 games to not even get a shot at a medal. Nice pickin' your old-timer friends, Gretz, while leaving the hot young scorers at home. It was fitting that Ovechkin scored the game-winning goal, considering his rival for NHL rookie-of-the-year, Sidney Crosby, was left off Canada's team because he was too inexperienced.
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