OT: Who gets the last word?

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remington69 said:
The Shield...Holy Fucking Shit! I couldn't beleive it. I mean, when they pulled into that place, I knew something might happen, but not that. I watched it right before bed, and I couldn't fall asleep because I was so worked up.

Thank you. I thought there was something wrong with me for laying awake and thinking about how fucked up it was.
I have to work tommorow....which really sucks because Saturday nights are my family nights. We all go out to dinner, usualyl get a movie or 2 (or a game) and relax. Not this weekend. Then on sunday I am gathering with the inlaws (whats left of them) for some dinner/party thingy. Sucks to be me.
Taking the two dogs and cat to get their shots at 9 in the morning tomorrow. So no sleeping in for me:erk: . Should be a real fun car ride with the little fuckers:lol: luckily I have kennels for them all. No drinky for me this weekend either.
MyHatred said:
Taking the two dogs and cat to get their shots at 9 in the morning.

I have to take my cat in to the vet to get her shots soon. About an hour before I have to be at the appointment is when I'll start chasing her around to get her to go into her crate. That bitch is fast!

My Puggle just howls the whole trip there because he knows what is going on. This will be the first time I will be taking them all at once. I am sure I will want a drink by the time I get home to kill the headache they are going to cause me:lol:
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