OT: Who gets the last word?

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and then a little further out

so, if you see a truck that has that, that's me driving. you better watch the fuck out.
Yeah, more than likely actually. Start drinkin! Won't get too many today. Shit to do today. Put together a shelf for cds/dvds, hook my new dvd player up, rip cds onto my computer, go to hooters for lunch, shop for new car and hopefully get one, head to friends house for pizza and movie tonight. shit i'm swamped today.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Wow, the NotChick made an appearance on the Last Word thread. That doesn't happen very often anymore.
I wouldn't even know you replied to the NotChick if Clayton didn't just tell me. I'm on the phone with him as I type this. He's listening to Inside Out. He just said, "I love that song."
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
I heard What Doesnt Die on the way to work today. Totally set me in a good mood, which was totally obliterated as soon as I clocked in. I hate working saturdays....
Did you actually hear it on the radio, or just on one of your CDs? I'd be impressed if it was radio, not that I ever plan on listening to the radio ever again...
nafnikufesin said:
Did you actually hear it on the radio, or just on one of your CDs? I'd be impressed if it was radio, not that I ever plan on listening to the radio ever again...

It was the radio. The rocl DJ around here is a pretty cool one, he plays alot of cool stuff and sometimes (RARELY) he plays REALLY cool stuff. Mind you I have been here for a year and a half and that is the second Anthrax song I have heard next to Bring Tha Noize.
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