OT: Who gets the last word?

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THe PTA here is trying to sucker my wife into things and joining them and shit like that. I tell her no, the PTA is evil and are controled by the education Nazi's.
In other news, has anyone heard about the nationwide protest on May 1st?
At our school, the PTO spends most of its time fighting the principal, district and school board, while raising money for activities and buying things that the kids actually need and use. That's why I don't really mind helping them out, just that I end up biting off more than I can chew. And he's not even in school yet, so I don't get the newsletters or stuff sent home, so it will probably get worse after July. Also, I'm switching to days when school starts, so I will be able to actually go to more than two meetings a year.

And at least a small part of it has to do with the fact that my mom didn't do jack shit when it came to school, sports, hobbies, music or scouting while I was growing up. And I didn't even get that from a therapist, it was so blazingly obvious. :D
No....No...No...I am just drinking a lot less then what I was. For some reason, and don't ask me why, but my girlfriend tends to get a little upset when I'm drunk all the time:lol:
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