OT: Who gets the last word?

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I remember it now. It was where Homer was Mr. X and he won the Pullitzer Prize for his webpage. They were going to give the reward money to the starving children cause they didn't know who he was. After they got home, Marge and Homer are talking.

Marge: "But Homey, what about the starving children?"
Homer: "They're with God now Marge."
"Whoa! Look at those mogumbos!"

Actually, I didn't really like that episode and in recent years they have been multiplying stupid stunts: visit to Japan, Brazil, Marge getting a boob job... Are they running out of ideas?? I'd love for Simpsons to go on forever, but with the recent drop in quality of the writing, I doubt it strongly..
LOL That the one were they throw a few rools of kitchen paper in the river and soakes it all up
At Thra:rofl:ude's store!! /forum/images/smilies/lol.gif

No, I don't have the towels, but I do have the husband that would (and does) make that much fun of me and my son would definitely help him with it, so if Tonya grows up to be a smarty-pants, I'm changing my name. /forum/images/smilies/supergrin.gif
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
At Thra:rofl:ude's store!! /forum/images/smilies/lol.gif

No, I don't have the towels, but I do have the husband that would (and does) make that much fun of me and my son would definitely help him with it, so if Tonya grows up to be a smarty-pants, I'm changing my name. /forum/images/smilies/supergrin.gif

Umm... what? I missed that towels episode. Could you be more specific....
Okay, Marge gets these paper towels that are like the greatest paper towels ever, and also she ends up having the hots for the "Burly" man on the cover (like "Brawny") and writes a letter to the company to see if he's a real guy or whatever, but Homer, I forget if he takes the letter or just overhears her writing it, but anyway, he and Bart send her a fake letter that the "Burly" man is going to come to dinner and she gets all pissed off when she finds out it was Homer and Bart making fun of her. Then Homer starts screaming for no reason and they have to go back into his past and there's this river that seems to be the cause of it and he remembers finding a body in it, but they don't see anything because of the water, so Marge runs home and gets her Burly paper towels and throws a bunch of rolls into the river and it soaks up all the water and they find a skeleton that turns out to be Smithers' dad that Mr. Burns dumped down the "body hatch."
Dident Homer get hypontised or how ever you spell it?
The funniest part was when Homer made the phone call and saw Marge pick the phone up and then laughed at her ahhhhh that program rocks and when Marge gets Lisa out of school to show her the towel can soak water
blearghhh! It's funny how we can turn any thread into a thread about one of the three following things, which happen to be my favorites :lol: :
1- Simpsons
2- Sex
3- Anthrax

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