OT: Who gets the last word?

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who gives a shit how u spell dude as long as u dont start writing in french:D

You mean like this? -

Salut les amis! Nous aimons tous Anthrax ici et j'espère qu'on se respecte mutuellement! En parlant de Anthrax, avez-vous entendu leur dernier album "We've come for you all" ?? C'est un excellent album! Toutes les chansons y sont bonnes, pesantes et bien écrites...

now, put the babelfish to a good use and translate this! :lol:

and anthrax_moshing_maniac, we're just teasing you man! we all love each other on this board.. but not in a homosexual way I hope!
mentalmeltdown said:
You mean like this? -

Salut les amis! Nous aimons tous Anthrax ici et j'espère qu'on se respecte mutuellement! En parlant de Anthrax, avez-vous entendu leur dernier album "We've come for you all" ?? C'est un excellent album! Toutes les chansons y sont bonnes, pesantes et bien écrites...

now, put the babelfish to a good use and translate this! :lol:

and anthrax_moshing_maniac, we're just teasing you man! we all love each other on this board.. but not in a homosexual way I hope!

how did i know someone would do that horns up meltdown:devil:
hehe... the funniest accents ever come from the Simpsons:

- Groundskeeper Willie: "Bonjour, ya cheese-eatin' surrender monkeys!"
- Cletus: "Now honey they's my parents too!"
- "Freshen your drink, gov'nor?"

mentalmeltdown said:
Salut les amis! Nous aimons tous Anthrax ici et j'espère qu'on se respecte mutuellement! En parlant de Anthrax, avez-vous entendu leur dernier album "We've come for you all" ?? C'est un excellent album! Toutes les chansons y sont bonnes, pesantes et bien écrites...
Let's see, what do I remember from high school french? "Je suis, tu es, il est, elle est, nous sommes, vous etes, ils sont, elles sont" and "Puis-j'aller aux toilettes?" :lol:
You separatists, say you want your own state
I'll give them a state, a state of unconsciousness... :lol:

Of course I'm a separatist!! NOT!
As all should know, on April the 14th, there is an election in Quebec... and this will be a major issue in whether or not Quebec will remain a part of Canada - if PQ (nationalist currently ruling party) is re-elected, then there is a good chance they'll have a referendum on whether or not QC should separate. If the Liberals are elected we can forget about separation for four years and concentrate on important things such as health, education and whatnot...
So to answer your question, I'm voting liberal... :)
PQ has continued to get elected, but then the referendum falls apart. You said it, resources that would be better spent on health and education on being wasted everytime that party gets reelected. I hope your friends and neighbors have as much sense as you do.
I hope for it too... the problem is that the people are sheep:
- PQ spends 300 million dollars on a building for the province's Caisse du Dépôt et Placement (kinda like the province's portfolio or wallet :) ) that was supposed to cost 100 million, and no one talks about it in the election race! Oh and also, this organisation has lost around 2,5 billion $ (Canadian but still... eh? :) ) through bad investing, mostly because of politically oriented investment decisions in ventures that were high risk but had important ties to the government... and no one or almost, talks about it!!!
- QC healthcare system is litterally crumbling under bad management decisions, workers' unions are too powerful and btw, are friends of the PQ governement, and the government does nothing but make pre-electorary promises that will amount to nothing come the day after the election!

I am really mad at people here; very few of the media (again, friends of the governement are everywhere!) are questioning the governement's blunder-heavy past four years and are instead concentrating on putting down the opposition candidates.. it's hopeless!

Whew! That was some serious venting... but it was needed!! hope I didn't make this thread too serious...! :lol:
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