OT: Who gets the last word?

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it was a picture showing a guy being content with his job, he was putting packing peanuts in a box that said fudge, the caption said, "although content with his job, nigel could never tell his mates what he did for a living."
So Friday night i am driving home with 2 of my daughters in the car, now i am on a back road.... Rosewell style...... and traffic is stopped. Cars are turning around on a 2 lane black top, i turn my flashers on and look behind me and see 18 year old Bryan driving daddys car... He not slowing down..... not slowing down...... then its too late. He hits his brakes and Kabam, Pow!!!
It was still daylight..... Now remember cars were turning around on the road.... He sez," i did see you?" I laid into him big-time... he's just about to graduate for Highschool. I did apologize to him and his father but my kids were in the car........ My little commuter car will possible totalled. Mother Fucker........ the bumper is gone and the trunk is fucked.....

So Friday night i am driving home with 2 of my daughters in the car, now i am on a back road.... Rosewell style...... and traffic is stopped. Cars are turning around on a 2 lane black top, i turn my flashers on and look behind me and see 18 year old Bryan driving daddys car... He not slowing down..... not slowing down...... then its too late. He hits his brakes and Kabam, Pow!!!
It was still daylight..... Now remember cars were turning around on the road.... He sez," i did see you?" I laid into him big-time... he's just about to graduate for Highschool. I did apologize to him and his father but my kids were in the car........ My little commuter car will possible totalled. Mother Fucker........ the bumper is gone and the trunk is fucked.....


That really sucks. At least you and your girls are okay.

I had an 18 year old fucker rear end me 2 years ago. It was snowing out, but he didn't seem to notice and was driving way too fast in his Daddy's Blazer. Couldn't stop in time and slammed into me. His excuse, "I had the 4 wheel drive on...I don't know why I didn't stop in time." And the worst part, he had some Joe Blow "insurance company" that wouldn't answer their phones. My insurance company had to take them to court to pay.
This was also a couple of years ago, but this dumb ass 16 year old girl smashed right into me when I was making a left hand turn. I had my blinker on and everything and was waiting for the oncoming traffic to pass. Well, she obviously is a complete retard and decides to pass me (while in town in a no pass zone and when I am making left hand turn, mind you) well I went to make my turn and SHAZAAM! The Next thing I know I am sitting in someones yard with a broken leg, bloody nose, scraped up face and my car is completely totalled:mad:
Well, like Rem said, just be thankful that you and your family are okay. It could have been much worse. It's easy to get pissed off about it, I know, but in the scope of things, cars are easily replaced.
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