OT: Who gets the last word?

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Metal Maiden said:
I only have two pairs of shoes. :p
You mean I have more pairs then you? Damn.
I got comfy shoes that I always wear, (not good for sports though), so I have some sports shoes, pair of sandals for slackin, and one pair backup for the comfy shoes...but wear the same pair pretty much everyday.
I have a pair of sneakers and a pair of sandals. I think I have some dress shoes somewhere, but I haven't worn them since my wedding.

A bunch of it is true. A lot of women are like that, and it makes it hard for the normal, realistic ones. You know, like how we think all men suck because a few of you are major pricks... ;)
anthrax_moshing_maniac said:
I have one pair of trainers. I don't get the women who have to have a differnt pair of shoes for everything they wear fucking silly
Yeah, no doubt...course, to avoid having to chose matching clothes, it's blue jeans and solid color shirts...I have 2 black shirts and 2 black jeans that I don't wear together, just don't want to wear all black, beyond that, oh well. Whatever is semi-clean.
Fashion is a gimmick to rob the hard-working consumer of his hard-earned cash...the worst example are the kids that force their parents into buying them a pair of 100-150$ sneakers just because some overpaid pro-athlete or the kids in school wear it.. that's fashion.
mentalmeltdown said:
Fashion is a gimmick to rob the hard-working consumer of his hard-earned cash...the worst example are the kids that force their parents into buying them a pair of 100-150$ sneakers just because some overpaid pro-athlete or the kids in school wear it.. that's fashion.
I wore Chuck Taylor All-Stars throughout highschool.
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