OT: Who gets the last word?

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Raga, my boy is mettaler (Is that a word? It is now.) than that! I will kick on the metal channel on the dish, and if he is in the living room playing, he will look at the tv then start walking around the living room, slowly banging his head. :headbang: And he gets ticked when the channel gets changed to something else. Oh yeah, he's only 14 months old. I haven't been able to teach him the horns yet, but i'm working on it. He also likes to watch Headbangers' Ball with me, although he doesn't end up staying awake for all that much of it. My wife had friends over one day and I got home from work and went right to the computer, popped in a CD. Her friends didn't believe her that Ian liked my music until I brought him over to sit on my lap and he started headbanging and clapping his hands.
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