OT: Who gets the last word?

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I always like the idea of swapping week days for weekends... so we work Saturday to Sunday (still get paid what we would in a normal working week) then have Monday til Friday off.
It took me 45 minutes to go 2 miles this morning on my way to work. Some railroad gates were stuck in the down position at a pretty big intersection, and the cops solution was to direct everybody down this one road that led to nowhere. It was good times.

Oh, and I managed to get some pretty nice reserved balcony seats for the G3 tour in March. I'm looking forward to the show, especially the jam at the end with all 3 guitarists.
It took me 45 minutes to go 2 miles this morning on my way to work. Some railroad gates were stuck in the down position at a pretty big intersection, and the cops solution was to direct everybody down this one road that led to nowhere. It was good times.

Oh, and I managed to get some pretty nice reserved balcony seats for the G3 tour in March. I'm looking forward to the show, especially the jam at the end with all 3 guitarists.

Yeah, I am really looking forward to all the snow we are supposed to recieve tonight. 7 to 8 inches is what they are saying we are going to get. Oh well, it could be worse, I could live in Redfield, New York. Poor bastards:lol: . Hopefully my car will even start tomorrow.....My damn starter sounds like it is going:erk: One thing after another, I tell ya.
One of my coworkers is from Mexico, NY and she said her parents have 8 feet of snow and their roof is about to collapse in. That would really blow.

I'm glad I'm on the west side of Lake Michigan. I heard Benton Harbor got dumped on that last time a front blew through (my friend's family has a cottage there).
One of my coworkers is from Mexico, NY and she said her parents have 8 feet of snow and their roof is about to collapse in. That would really blow.

I'm glad I'm on the west side of Lake Michigan. I heard Benton Harbor got dumped on that last time a front blew through (my friend's family has a cottage there).

I can't even begin to imagine what 8 feet of snow would be like. My grandma would tell me that there was a few times they got so much snow in Harrison, MI that it all but went up to their roof. Now that would suck. That's the nice thing about living where I do because we don't get the lake effect snow as bad as some people. I think the most snow I have seen since living here is about two feet when I was pretty little. I would be an extremely angry person if we were dealing with snow like those in parts of New York.
It was around 60 degrees here today on the I-5 corridor. Had my Maui Jim's on and it was nice. Traffic wasn't too bad. Heading North, friend of mine ended up leaving Vancouver store when I was almost there. So we raced trucks the whole way up. Helps when driving to have a blocker. I'd block for him, so he could get in then we'd floor it.
It's a quarter to 8 and I'm still in my jammies. Even though my work is not closed, I made the executive decision not to risk driving the 25 miles in the nice, blowing snow. My poor husband got up early and made it to his school in time to find out that it was closed. So, he's going to catch up on grading for a bit and come back home.
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