ThornsOfSorrow said:
I'm flattered, but seeing as I love SilentRealm too, let's not compare. Besides, saying something like that isn't fair to her.
aww didnt know ya swung that way

jk.. actually I had thought about saying I didnt mind being second best to you anyway, but I thought that sounded like sucking up which I dont do
Taliwakker said:
Its all about looks...if you're not trophy wife material Tali isn't interested
Of course attraction plays a MAJOR role in a relationship. To me however, its not so much about physical features as it is what I call "the hmmm factor". You meet someone and think 'hmm, they are quite interesting indeed - I think I want to know them better' but it will be because they have a vibe about them thats nice, or a certain cuteness etc.
For example, I wasnt 100% attracted to my last BF when he first asked me out but he had a quality about him that made me want to give him a chance. Regardless of him having to move away now, I'm still very glad I did. So that was a case of choosing the "hmmm factor" over physical appearance.
I find its always a good idea to start as 'friends' (as a ploy to get to know someone) and if there is chemistry it will develop into more very quickly. If there isnt, at least you might have made a cool new friend ( who has hot friends to introduce you to

If you jump into a relationship with someone without knowing them a little bit first, quite often you will find as soon as the lust-blinders wear off that theyre intolerable people, and then youve just wasted your time on someone who in the end isnt worthwhile.
HOWEVER, and this is important.. if a girl says "i just want to be friends" after going on a date with you then she is either:
A. Not interested / no chemistry / you stuffed up majorly somehow and she is too polite to say why
B. She has just come out of a relationship / still hung up on the ex in some other way (psycho stalker way, in which case you want to away little boy.. run fast).
If it is option B, then girls usually will explain (or it will become apparent quite quickly if its the latter of option B, in which case it will be YOU who doesnt opt for another date), and if you think she is worthwhile that you dont want to be 'rebound guy' but you do want a chance, then respect her wishes and choose the friendship angle until she makes the next move. If she doesnt.. at least she might have hot friends!!
... thats alot of typing ...