OT: Your Top 3 "Most beautiful girls"

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ThornsOfSorrow said:
I'm flattered, but seeing as I love SilentRealm too, let's not compare. Besides, saying something like that isn't fair to her.

aww didnt know ya swung that way ;) jk.. actually I had thought about saying I didnt mind being second best to you anyway, but I thought that sounded like sucking up which I dont do :lol:

Taliwakker said:
Its all about looks...if you're not trophy wife material Tali isn't interested


Of course attraction plays a MAJOR role in a relationship. To me however, its not so much about physical features as it is what I call "the hmmm factor". You meet someone and think 'hmm, they are quite interesting indeed - I think I want to know them better' but it will be because they have a vibe about them thats nice, or a certain cuteness etc.

For example, I wasnt 100% attracted to my last BF when he first asked me out but he had a quality about him that made me want to give him a chance. Regardless of him having to move away now, I'm still very glad I did. So that was a case of choosing the "hmmm factor" over physical appearance.

I find its always a good idea to start as 'friends' (as a ploy to get to know someone) and if there is chemistry it will develop into more very quickly. If there isnt, at least you might have made a cool new friend ( who has hot friends to introduce you to :) )

If you jump into a relationship with someone without knowing them a little bit first, quite often you will find as soon as the lust-blinders wear off that theyre intolerable people, and then youve just wasted your time on someone who in the end isnt worthwhile.

HOWEVER, and this is important.. if a girl says "i just want to be friends" after going on a date with you then she is either:

A. Not interested / no chemistry / you stuffed up majorly somehow and she is too polite to say why


B. She has just come out of a relationship / still hung up on the ex in some other way (psycho stalker way, in which case you want to run..run away little boy.. run fast).

If it is option B, then girls usually will explain (or it will become apparent quite quickly if its the latter of option B, in which case it will be YOU who doesnt opt for another date), and if you think she is worthwhile that you dont want to be 'rebound guy' but you do want a chance, then respect her wishes and choose the friendship angle until she makes the next move. If she doesnt.. at least she might have hot friends!!

... thats alot of typing ...
one more..

Beelzebub said:
That must be why everyone thinks I'm a guy.

:lol: well I always thought you were a girl.. otherwise it might be creepy with your participation on the hot guys thread ;) (not that theres anything wrong with gay men! except the hot ones, then thats just not fair coz I want em!)

actually I was thrown off when someone kept calling you a dude, I'm like.. erm.. isnt that a girl?
SilentRealm said:
:lol: well I always thought you were a girl.. otherwise it might be creepy with your participation on the hot guys thread ;) (not that theres anything wrong with gay men! except the hot ones, then thats just not fair coz I want em!)

actually I was thrown off when someone kept calling you a dude, I'm like.. erm.. isnt that a girl?
Heh, I don't really have too many photos of me looking like a girl so I haven't posted any. Trust me, I get hit on by ugly construction workers often enough for me to know that I'm not entirely repulsive. People thinking that I'm a guy (online) happens all the time.

However, this:
Tali said:
I thought Beelz was maph
doesn't. :erk: ;)

One of the unspoken mottos at my school is "where the men are men, and so are the women." Kind of true in a sense; I'm studying a profession that's pretty much male-dominated. I can't do arc welding in a dress. I'm often the only girl in a room of 30+ males (which isn't as good as it sounds), so there's really no place for being girly in the traditional sense, or else you won't be taken seriously. Then again, you can't assert yourself too much or else that automatically makes you a bitch... got to find the middle ground, you know?
Beelzebub said:
got to find the middle ground, you know?

What's socially acceptable behaviour anyway?
Roles are changing, ethics are evolving through time, but the always present and so implied perception
of differences between the two main genders remains the same.
And the reason for that is the perception itself.

In your case, I highly doubt that this strong kind of adjustment will be equal to strong success within your field. In the end, your theory won't work out.

In the end, we all die.
God, metal rules. :rock:

having done a course in a male dominated field, roles may be supposed to be changing, gender is not supposed to matter anymore.. but it still does. Men are still going to be sexist pigs, and women still like the door held open for them.

Kenneth R. said:
Valor Morghulis! All men must die!

NO!! :( .. but.. men have.. things... appendages.. that we like! I cannot turn to women sorry :lol:
btw arent we supposed to be POSTING pictures of beautiful women?

hmm, who else is saucy... I'm running out of ideas.. pretty much whoever I havent posted or agreed is hot, I just think is a skank.

Heres a woman I was actually acquainted with once who lives in Sydney, a bollywood model named Rajlaxmi. I had never even heard of her before, she was just always coy about her name and preferred to be called Rani. She is quite beautiful, but really crazy, funny and cool.

I hope this link works, both of them, they are google specials..


Speaking of beautiful bollywood women though, this one has to be one of the absolute most gorgeous looking women I have ever seen in my life.

Aishwarya Rai:

SilentRealm said:
hmm, who else is saucy...
"The Summary

My adventures on the internet have led me to learn many things about myself. I'm not a girl and I do not exist on the internet. I do not play games and do not know how to turn on my computer. I did not build my own PC, nor did I buy a video game. I do not own a headset and do not play first person shooters and MMOGs. My life on the internet is an intricate, well planned lie.

When I look at myself, I see a girl on the internet and a girl with an internet life. I see a girl who loves to play games and kill the dirty Alliance faction in WoW. I see a girl who can bunny hop with the best of them and keep her kills higher than her deaths in Counter Strike. I can talk the talk and walk the walk. But I am not a girl on the internet, because as I've been told before, I do not exist.

Well, this is me telling you, I do exist. Owned."


Back to topic.

Now comes my all time favourite beauty.
Look at those smooth curves and that cold elegance.

You probably can't handle this bomb.

What else is saucy? Today's numero 2:

Johnsons no more tears baby shampoo

Alex :err:
I went to this website where you can submit your photo and they matched it with celebrity faces and I got Aishwarya Rai. I was pleasantly surprised.

PS: Jax: I remember people thinking you were a guy, too :)
PPS: Kenneth: I'm not entirely TV free, I occasionally watch Jeopardy with my friends.
@ that mushroom cloud - that is nice!

@ girls on the internet. I come on the net strictly to check emails, buy stuff online and fortunately or unfortunately, the maximum amount of time I spend is posting the few minutes a day on this forum. Oh, and to download lecture notes for uni. Does that mean I dont exist too? :(

Kenneth R. said:
Maybe if she dropped the lipstick and the bad pose

I thought that was a nice pose, very carefree and happy looking. Most of her pics are about wallpaper size so it was one of the smaller ones I could find.

Kenneth R. said:
Again, makeup-be-gone and this one would be attractive

Ive seen her sans makeup, she only makes up for photo shoots and shows etc, so she is definately not one of those prissy 'look at me chicks'.

@ Beelzebub.. what is that site? I'm curious
SilentRealm said:
@ that mushroom cloud - that is nice!

@ girls on the internet. I come on the net strictly to check emails, buy stuff online and fortunately or unfortunately, the maximum amount of time I spend is posting the few minutes a day on this forum. Oh, and to download lecture notes for uni. Does that mean I dont exist too? :(
I'd never expect to see myself strictly questioning someone's non-existence without getting to know him first. You asked for it.
You forgot to mention the daily porn research which girls who don't exist on the internet usually practice. Therefore, I am happy to announce you might have a chance.
Let's bow down in the platinum maze. :worship:


P.S.: I knew you would like this beauty
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