OT: Your Top 3 "Most beautiful girls"

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MrFast said:
I just thought it was kind of funny that you post this thread more than most men.. And aren't you the one who started the thread like this but with guys?

what can I say, the other threads bore me :p anything to do with hotness or sex im there!

@ the fucker chick, looks like a frog.. actually she looks like a wannabe metal version of kate hudson.. and for turke who said its photoshopped its not, just the flash of the camera overexposed the pic a little, no biggy..

Beelzebub said:
The hot guy thread is buried because the girls here have better things to do than to scrounge around myspace or hotguys.com or whatever other website there might be to post pics of mediocre at best looking guys posing in front of palm trees or in a marsh somewhere with out of proportion muscles and waxed chests and fake sweaty hair clad in cut off denim shorts. Either that or we're too lazy.

too lazy.. :lol: nah its just that i find most 'attractive' men gross to look at. Men have it easier because there are far more attractive women in the world than guys.

@ turke again about the study, its funny correct me if I'm mistaken but I think they found that NO women at all agreed to have sex with the guys.. Its not just a procreation thing, its a safety thing (chicks dont know if they would be safe going off with random guys), also a morality thing (its still not socially acceptable for women to just go off and have sex with anyone), and also an ego thing (if a guy is hitting on us we automatically think he is hitting on everyone, and well we all want to feel special so of course we would be disgusted by that).
SilentRealm said:
Its not just a procreation thing, its a safety thing (chicks dont know if they would be safe going off with random guys), also a morality thing (its still not socially acceptable for women to just go off and have sex with anyone), and also an ego thing (if a guy is hitting on us we automatically think he is hitting on everyone, and well we all want to feel special so of course we would be disgusted by that).

So that makes us, men, unsafe, immoral, and egoist :lol: OK, i can live with that :)

Give us a chance girl, you are perfect, we are not :loco:
Will i ever meet this kind of women ? "Muriel Anderson" ladies and gentlemen:


I don't care her age. With the guitar in her hands, she is the most beautiful woman on earth. She can easily make me blind :)
im sorry, i cant stop barfing over that god awful 80's get up! :puke: and that is definately not a flattering picture of heather findlay.

hmm, hot old chicks.. ooh i know.. I'm gonna have to copy and paste this name lol.. Shohreh Aghdashloo.. she played the Iranian mother Dina on '24'. For an old bird, this is one of the most gorgeous faces (and without plastic surgery).


I think the main criteria for any woman to be attractive is a simple one: She has to like Finntroll. Any woman who likes Finntroll has a shot with the z-man.

Well... i have a girlfriend at the moment, but you get the point. If i didn't all she'd have to do is like finntroll. Oh, and be hot, skinny, big boobs, nice butt, and rich. That's all i ask.
SilentRealm said:
@ turke again about the study, its funny correct me if I'm mistaken but I think they found that NO women at all agreed to have sex with the guys.. Its not just a procreation thing, its a safety thing (chicks dont know if they would be safe going off with random guys), also a morality thing (its still not socially acceptable for women to just go off and have sex with anyone), and also an ego thing (if a guy is hitting on us we automatically think he is hitting on everyone, and well we all want to feel special so of course we would be disgusted by that).

Actually, the things you say are all connected to what i say in the roots. Cause you know, there is nothing in the nature to be called "morale", it is created by the human mind to ease things out. It actually doesn't exist. Also "egos" are in the same category. Human mind maskes them. Also your concerns about safety. I wanna ask you, do you bring the guys to the hospital for an HIV test before going to bed with them ? I don't think so :)

I don't mean any offence with these. Nature is pure and it is very simple imo. Everything we do everything we don't is bound to very simple rules and laws of nature. It is only human mind what makes it seem more complex.

PS: I also think nature can also do mistakes. I don't know why ?

Well what the hell, who cares what i think :lol: Keep rocking :headbang:
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