Ozzfest announced

SLAYER - they suck
DIMMU BORGIR - alright
- alright

Second Stage:

SLIPKNOT - they suck
HATEBREED - they suck
- they suck


LACUNA COIL - yeah good
GOD FORBID - they suck

how can that shitty ass lineup be compared to Wacken?
Priest are the only real drawcard on that bill that would influence me to spend my money on it. And also I'd like to see Ozzy once.
Yes, I am a fucktard,

"hello everyone, I am Haupy, I like metal, but not any metal. I AM SO UNDERGROUND, I HATE EVERYTHING POPULAR, I ONLY LIKE UNPOPULAR STUFF, I am that underground, Please pay attention to me, I am trying to be wild and out there. LOOK OUT, CONTERVERSY, OMG, I hate some thing else now. "
Koichi said:
Thats what I am thinking to, Haupy, you truly are, a stupid son of a bitch.
:lol: I dont know why, that just made me laugh.

But Haupy did say Slayer sucks as well, so maybe it was deserved. I pity a man who cant get down to Slayer and Judas Priest.
Alright, thats just ridiculous! If you went to Ozzfest and Dave Lombardo walks on stage and starts playing the drum intro to Raining Blood and you dont go nuts once Kerry, Tom and Jeff come in, you dont like metal. YOU DONT LIKE METAL.

I can speak from both sides of the issue coz I once liked them and now don't. It just depends what you're looking for in what you listen to.

If its the aggression & heaviness then yeah those people love Slayer. If you don't give a fuck about heaviness & aggression, like I don't now (in fact I prefer stuff that isn't heavy and don't really like anything aggressive), and want good songs and vocals that aren't annoying then I can very easily see why you wouldn't like Slayer.
Your opinion doesnt count here Troops, you would stand there pouting because they werent wearing spandex and makeup "like the old days man".

I think I made quite a valid point haha. There are plenty of people who would be bored by seeing a band play boring songs that sound almost the same with reused riffs that sound the same and some guy spitting out crap vocals. Yet as far as making an impact overall in terms of aggression and power they do a really good job, but as I said alot of people don't really care about that and would rather hear a good song.
What Troops is saying is right, but he is forgetting that Slayer actually do have some good songs. Just because they are aggresive that doesn't mean they don't have some great material that happens to be aggressive. Angel Of Death is a heavy metal classic, and it is aggressive as all hell, but that is not the only reason it is a classic, it is also a great song.
Yeah they do have some good songs I agree. But they are few and far between.

I think Raining Blood is good, Angel Of Death is good but overrated, Seasons In The Abyss is good, Dead Skin Mask is good, and theres some good songs on the first album. Other than that, most songs sound the same and are pretty bland & boring I think.
Exactly, so when they play Angel Of Death, the super catchy radio friendly ballad Dead Skin Mask, Raining Blood, Post Mortem, the terrifically melodic Seasons In The Abyss and the almighty War Ensemble in one setlist, no mortal could resist baging their head. UNLESS THEY DONT LIKE METAL.

Or unless they are Sprucey, who would sit there with a dumb look on his face and go "Who are these guys? Why couldnt they put Dream Theater on or something? OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT HORRIBLE NOISE? Oh he is doing a guitar solo, and he isnt even SWEEP PICKING! Haha loser!" ;)