P90X....Worth the hype?


Be Creative, Get Laid
Apr 7, 2009
The dude i go to the gym with just got transferred for work so he cant go with me anymore...and seeing how im coming off a pretty big injury I refuse to go the gym by myself..My girl has the p90x and i was thinking of giving that a whirl but can you gain weight off of it? Im trying to get back up to at least 185 and im sitting at about 176 atm

Im aware i most likely cant reach my goal by just doing the p90x...But can I actually gain weight off of it or is it more for a cutting cycle?
Pretty sure its a basic plyometric/cardio routine that just mixes up the exercises to avoid plateauing out. Its nothing revolutionary... its just being marketed better than other shit.

Buy Arnold Schwarzenegger's Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding and with any other basic knowledge of nutrition and any willpower to follow through, you'll get the same results tailoring a workout around what you're doing... but no, P90X isnt a bulk routine by any stretch. You need low reps and heavy weights for that, and tons of proteins.
Charles here, (CJWall!) =D Shit changed my life bro, for real. I'll never live my life again without some kind of workout routine and strictly regimented diet.

It's a resistance/cardio based program, ie = monday resistance, tuesday cardio.

i went from 205 to like, 165 using it and cut as FUCK. I've been through 3 rounds and am currently doing Insanity which is ALL interval cardio work.

My first round, I had never worked out in my life and looked like shit, basically. Here's a pic at around 1 week before my 3 months ended:


and another:


sorry for the half-naked pics, but it's the truth. =D

currently looking somewhat akin to this, although it was taken in Jan:


P90X and Insanity are legit as they come. YOUR DIET MUST BE IN CHECK for ANY results though.

I'm anal retentive about my diet, I have all my food intake broken down to the gram/macronutrient ratio/calories and eat the same 5 meals every day.

Look into a Keto type diet or PM for a version that works AMAZINGLY well along with P90X and Insanity.
Yes, as stated in the post above it works great. But the diet is the key, and the ones that get nothing from the program are the ones that don't do the diet.

I went from 145 to 165(I'm an ectomorph, it's hard to gain weight so 20 lbs is AMAZING for me). By doing the bulking routine (very little cardio) and using the high calorie diet, I saw these gains in 3 months.

If you are bigger and need to lose, just do the routine with cardio in it, and pick the proper diet. That's the beauty of P90X, it's got something for everyone.
While yea, p90x is mainly for cutting and getting physically in shape (that way it appeals to more people) if you eat eat EAT you can deff gain like 10lbs off it.

Eat every 2-3 hours, chicken, tuna, protein shakes, potatoes, brown rice, shit if your "bulking" just eat a lot haha not like cake and chinese food, but you get the idea.

Also if your forreal trying to bulk you gotta get in a lot of calories as well as protein. So you don't need to be AS food concience as sumone trying to lose weight. a good product to help you are weight gainers. (protein shakes with lots of calories and a ton of protein) They are fairly expensive, but really help you out if you are serious. http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/bsn/true.html thats a good product, lots of protein, calories, and all your vitamins you need in one!
Yes, as stated in the post above it works great. But the diet is the key, and the ones that get nothing from the program are the ones that don't do the diet.

I went from 145 to 165(I'm an ectomorph, it's hard to gain weight so 20 lbs is AMAZING for me). By doing the bulking routine (very little cardio) and using the high calorie diet, I saw these gains in 3 months.

If you are bigger and need to lose, just do the routine with cardio in it, and pick the proper diet. That's the beauty of P90X, it's got something for everyone.

THIS is exactly what i wanted to hear. I'm an ectomorph too...I graduated HS at 135 lbs then just lifted my ass off and got up to 185 over the next few years...Im a great eater, I was never one for candy and junk food or even fast food, ( i will eat it from time to time though) But im mainly a big chicken/red meat/ pasta eater.

So as long as i consume mass quantities of calories and stay on a bulking diet. The p90x should be able to help me out a little bit along the way until i get back in the gym?

And charles- I looked into insanity too but I have a feeling if use both programs ill go in the opposite direction of my goal.

I've been lifting regularly since I started playing football freshman year of highschool and im 24 now, So i have my body pretty figured out. I know what lifts work and what foods work etc.. and heres some more gAy Pr0n for you guys lol..
That's me sitting at just about 180....(Ignore the rediculous farmers tan and the simulated hard-on, that was my belt!) But I want to get just a few lbs heavier then i was in that pic
Wow dude, your arms seem kinda disproportionately big compared to your chest :lol: (I'm jealous, I have the opposite issue :erk: )

Ive done alotttt of labor work before i got into the gig im in now....But its funny you say that cuz when I look at myself I actually see the exact opposite...Chest > Arms
So as long as i consume mass quantities of calories and stay on a bulking diet. The p90x should be able to help me out a little bit along the way until i get back in the gym?


Hell I don't even go to the gym anymore after starting P90X. I like the way my body feels by doing all the resistance workouts. I feel more 'flexible' than when I used to lift heavy weights.
Here's something I've been wondering - how is it that this dude can look fucking massive and be 6'2, yet only weigh 175 lbs.? I guess he just has a ridiculously small frame underneath all that...

Also, for you ectomorphs that have successfully packed on a ton of weight using gainers and stuff, did you have to deal with some excess fat at first, which you could only cut once you reached sufficient mass?
Here's something I've been wondering - how is it that this dude can look fucking massive and be 6'2, yet only weigh 175 lbs.? I guess he just has a ridiculously small frame underneath all that...

Also, for you ectomorphs that have successfully packed on a ton of weight using gainers and stuff, did you have to deal with some excess fat at first, which you could only cut once you reached sufficient mass?

My guess is he's prolly not a legit 6'2. Almost EVERYONE lies about their height. I lie down an inch actually haha.
Also, low bodyfat obviously. 175 shredded is a lot of muscle. He's also prolly got small legs. Legs take up a lot of real estate.

For your second question. My bf% went down a little initially when I first started. the first year was 160- almost 200.
Here's something I've been wondering - how is it that this dude can look fucking massive and be 6'2, yet only weigh 175 lbs.? I guess he just has a ridiculously small frame underneath all that...

Also, for you ectomorphs that have successfully packed on a ton of weight using gainers and stuff, did you have to deal with some excess fat at first, which you could only cut once you reached sufficient mass?

I lucked out and and managed to stay fairly cut while i was taking all my shit. I hate doing cardio so im def happy about that. I just stayed with decent reps.

Ie- one week I would do 10,8,6, and then the next 6,5,4 and just keep switching it up, and i always add a "burnout" to the end of my workouts.
I do p90x everyday , fuckin love it... I have a decent amount of muscle but I go more for lean these days... I was pretty big (240) for a while , just lifting mostly , and now with p90 x and treadmill constantly I'm about 180 and feel a ton better , wayyy more energy... no more back problems etc. But you have to stick with it of course and eat right... me personally if I don't jump around like a maniac and expel all my energy everyday, I can't sleep and I feel like shit