paddy is drinking and thinking who is a poseur in here t

ender7227 said:

ahhh, the old Buttsecks? owl, a classic.
HAPPY 4/20 YALL:Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokedev: :Smokedev: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokedev: :Smokedev: :Smokin: :Smokin:
I don't smoke pot anymore(never was big on it). It was a lot easier to fit in when younger if everyone smoked pot together rather then you or someone looking like the weird outcast kid.

People that say they're straight edge are just as lame trendy, and cliche, actually these people are actually annoying. If you don't drink or do drugs that means you do not drink or do drugs.

If someone does not like coca cola are they're non cola edge or something!. I can't keep up with all these trendy people and their stupid definitions.

Miss*Lie said:
Greys is a really nice guy, but I'm still in shock about this:

Just ignore his inane ramblings, like everyone else does.

Life Sucks said:
I thought he left? What name is he posting under now? I remember when he would randomly show up and flame everyone on the board collectively. I just stopped taking it seriously after a while.

He's now called "Reign In Acai", and posts quite regularly on the Royal Carnage forum.