Pain of Salvation anyone..?


Devon killed Buddy
Sep 4, 2001
Dawlat elBa7rain
I noticed that people in this bulletin board are very much familiar with progressive bands like dream theater, katatonia etc. What 'bout Pain of Salvation? I consider them masters of the genre! Their complexity, their emotion, their concepts is just something to crow about! If you dont know about them I suggest you check 'em out asap coz your missing it!
Well I´ve been readong about this band and I am VERY curious but I can´t find any of their cd´s. What do the exactly sound like, can you compare them to anything? Any Download suggestions?
I love Pain of Salvation. They are one of my top bands. Daniel Gildenlow is an amazing singer/guitarist/lyrcist/composer.

BTW, is anyone going to the Dream Theater warm up show in NYC on Jan 19th? I got my tickets!
I heard Pain of Salvation are going to tour together with Dream Theater on January 2002. Theyre both releasing new albums on the end of ..i just cant wait

..And i do (sort of) consider Katatonia progressive. Every band that doesnt repeat a chorus more than twice can be considered progressive :p
pain of salvation is definitely one of the best progressive metal bands. their emotional songs are never cheesy (like dream theaters soft songs can know i'm right!!) and they have a very unique style. the perfect element, while not really having much metal on it, is awesome and made me think of a funked out pink floyd. gildenlow's vocals are also very unique, its all over the place going from a whisper to a growl-like sound to a crescendo that peaks at a point that would make labrie jealous. and he doesn't belt out and hold those high notes, either, he uses it to accent the phrases. and sometimes the vocals are very rythmic, emphasizing the funk/jazz metal style that they play with.

and as for katatonia being progressive, i'd say that its a possiblility to get away with calling them that. i mean, just look at some of the crap that gets labeled "prog-metal." for example, savatage (they are horrible!), stratovirus (what the fuck?!), and even rhapsody (oh hell no!!). so why not push out the crap and allow katatonia. they may not play with lightening fast speed or have stereotypical prog-metal 80's vocals, but neither does opeth, and anyone who says opeth isn't progressive is an idiot.