Drokk said:
Whatever about that. I've liked both bands for years and years so that's completely irrelevant. Pantera, just for 3 records. Cowboys, Vulgar, and Driven are the best and angriest heavy metal record ever made. All screaming heavy metal nowadays owe their existence to Pantera. And yes, I'm aware that Phil was into underground hardcore shit and took that bald angry dude image from there (Cro-Mags come to mind), but you tell me that late 90s and 00s metal like Slipknot, Killswitch, newer bands like Diecast, aren't huge Pantera fans.
I also like Slayer a helluva lot; I can listen to Seasons and South of Heaven til the cows come home. Reign is a thrash fuckin' classic, and it's grown on me over the years. Slayer's later records are a bit lackluster, especially God Hates Us All, but I like Diabolus and some tracks on Divine. But for me, and this is entirely subjective, of course, nothing could touch the anger, heaviness, groove, and fuckin' attack of Pantera. Vulgar contains some of my favorite vocals of ALL fuckin' time. And Cemetary Gates--a bonafide classic.
And I'll most likely see Slayer's summer tour, and PUT OUT YOUR NEW RECORD, FUCK!!
I really dig Pants, and I was lucky enough to catch them live many times in their career & they always delivered a brutal show (even when Phil was at his worst).
However, I tend to think more realistically... Regardless of the quality of music that both bands produce(d) - Which band has sold the most albums globally? Which band has had the longest career (and are still going strong today)? I would say by far that Slayer have influenced more bands than Pantera. Sure Pants may have inspired some latter bands to a certain degree on their own, but it'll be nothing near the magnitude of what Slayer have acheived throughout their career. The newer bands you mentioned will probably have many influences & I very much doubt that they would deem Pantera as their only source of inspiration.
OK, you've been into both bands for years & have a more levelled opinion on this whole charade. I know you probably think that Dime being dead doesn't affect peoples opinions, but it honestly does. Maybe not to you personally, but to many others - it always inevitably does. Look at Jimi Hendrix & Curt Nobrain... we both know it would be Hendrix that had the most talent of the two (as he knew & played more than 3 chords coherently), but the hype surrounding Nobrain in the press has many people believing otherwise. It always happens - it was widely reported that the moment it was announced Dime was killed - Pantera had a significant upsurge in album sales. No need to wonder why there... It's because people who ordinarily never gave a shit about the band were caught up in the hype in the press (just like Nobrain & any other musician that dies before their time) about the now 'legendary' Dimebag, and went out and bought their back catalogue to pretend they're lifelong fans of the band since the beginning, and they're 'down' with the Pants. Pathetic.
The first thing that enters someone's mind when the word Pantera is mentioned is, Dimebag. Why? Because the media made 'his' name bigger than the band because through no fault of his own - he's no longer with us.
Don't get me wrong. I love Pantera! I also think Dime was a killer shredder - but compared to other guitarists I know of - he doesn't even come close to their ability. Some people just follow blindly by other peoples opinions. I talk to quite a few younger guys in the scene and ask them what their fave guitarist is and suchlike, and some of them surprise the hell out me by saying, Hendrix. I then ask them why (as it's a bit strange for one so young to have such clarity in their opinion of a generation they never grew up with)... and they don't really have an answer. So I dig a little deeper and ask how they discovered Hendrix music or whatever, and they say, "Oh... my big cousin gave me the Axis: Bold As Love album when I was younger and he told me this guy was the best guitarist that ever lived". Bingo! That's where the opinion originated. Even although there are guitarists today - that can totally surpass the talent of these dead zygotes, some people would rather stay trapped & exist in an era handed to them on a plate - instead of going out and discovering for themselves.
If you truly believe that the first 3 Pants albums are the angriest & heaviest Metal albums ever made - please forgive my impertinence - but I think you may need to get out more...
P.S. the only shit album Slayer have ever done was Diabolus In Musica, and it was only for the reason that Jeff 'fan of Coal Chamber' Hanneman wrote over 80% of it. Kerry King thankfully took control of God Hates Us All, and it contains some of the most seething hatred lyrical content & soul eroding riffs put to CD. The entire concept of that album (including the cover) is pure sinister & violent mayhem. It may be worth digging a little deeper understanding into the lyrics and listening to how they're delivered & the atmosphere of the music enhancing them to fully connect with it. Give it a chance... it's the best album they've done since Seasons...