Paradise Lost shirt

I just have to get PL T shirt so I can wear it when I go to the DT gig with Symph X opening.
Not to mention that the artwork is really cool...
The whole SymX mug thing makes me happy. God getting up in the morning and drinking a nice hot cup of mehtulz
It's true; he drank green Cognac-Vodka/Vodka/Orange Juice out of the Symphony X mug the night he got it.

Damn, that green stuff was epic.
I'm going to get a V shirt. ... ... And maybe a Paradise Lost one, ....and maybe an Odyssey one too. If I can afford it.
Did anyone buy those Symphony X jogging pants? That has to be the sign of a trve fan. Even more so if they actually wore them too.

FUCK WIN I would so own a pair of those, that's possibly the epitome of epic.

Running through the harsh cold night, hair whips his distant and weathered face, the only faith he has are the dual faces glowing and peering from his pants...
I have had a V shirt for the longest time but its so old and overworn and faded, I need a new Symphony X shirt. I have the Symphony X cap, I wear it all the time. A few years back when they came to Chicago me and my friend painted our faces like the masks and wore the black and white hooded robes, it was pretty sweet. I wouldnt mind doing that again for this tour. Lepond told us he was happy to see it heheh.