Past life regressions and other new age stuff

Well ...

Being a Pagan and a 3rd Degree Reiki Master I can say Reiki and PLR's have definitely made an improvement in my way of life. Since getting involved in Reiki and learning how to perform PLR's I have made huge strides in overall confidence, stress level, and my outlook on life, love, and how other people have an overall affect on my day to day living. I am highly aware of peoples energy signals and patterns, its almost like having a built in lie detector. Its pretty intense and I would suggest you do some of your own research on the subject and what it is all about. Some people just get the wrong idea about it out of the gate. Its really nothing bad or "dark", its just another way to look at life, and how the energies of others, the earth, and universe have an affect on you as a living entity made up of these energies.
Reiki is not a substitution for medical treatment. No one who is serious about Reiki has ever stated it was. It is simply using the energies that make up all living things to calm or excite the vibrations of this energy in order to bring ones inner self / mind / body to a relaxed state. Its no different then getting a massage or going to a chiropractor.

Reiki is used in addition to standard medical practices to bring relief to pain, suffering, and stress.
I can say from experience that I've been getting Reiki done on me professionally for about 3 years now, and for me at least , the shit definitely helps. I thought it was all bullshit but my girlfriend made me do it and it really helped out with a lot of my back problems, stress, etc.
I'm sorry, but don't you think "The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine" and "Reiki News Magazine" might have a biased opinion on this research?

edit: HAHAHA! scroll down on this page:

Reiki and Power Animals
by Colleen Benelli

Colleen explains how to connect and work with power animals that can provide guidance from a different perspective and help in our healing work.

HAHAHAH! I need to get in touch with my POWER ANIMAL! :rock:
I'm sorry, but don't you think "The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine" and "Reiki News Magazine" might have a biased opinion on this research?

If you bother to look at the sources of the articles, and not the website they are posted on, you will notice these were all done by the medical field, and not the "website" the article resides on.

Obviously you have no intention of actually reading or comprehending any of this. If what I have provided is not proof enough that reiki is a proven medical practice, then I would implore you to find me articles with scientific proof that its bullshit :)
you are citing Wikipedia as a source of 100% factual information?


Those articles can be edited by ANYONE and ANYTIME

Notice it also says "complementary" & "alternative" not "supplemental".

Wikipedia has been found to be more accurate than Encyclopedia Britannica, FWIW. The fact that anyone can edit the articles (and that's really a misunderstanding of the system, not anyone can edit them) is what makes them factually accurate in the end.

As for the OP... Spiritual mumbo-jumbo BS, can be explained by any number of things other than what they're telling you. Chalk it up to placebo.
Anyone with a Wikipedia account can edit a Wikipedia article.

Anyway, even what he referenced was misinterpreted. As the article states it is a form of "Alternative" and "Complementary" medicine. It is not a cureall, nor is it a replacement to standard medical practices.