What do you do in real life beside music/studio stuff ?

Salesperson at a musical instrument store, trying to get this studio business up and running (still bumbling along doing it part-time).

This is actually the job I do while going to school and being a father. I left my band yesterday because I didn't have much time anymore (will remain a bedroom artist for a bit hehe)

It's pretty interesting to see what you guys do, keep it coming!
3rd shift watching over a house of mentally retarded adults (age 35-60).

It's fucking easy, unless you have no patience for human beings.

What sucks about it is the state is broke, and therefore the agency is broke. Also, there are a bunch of idiots trying to regulate EVERYTHING right now, because the state regulates itself and does a bad job, therefore we must do a bad job as well. I need to GTFO soon for that reason alone.
Pizza fucking wizard.

Really, I lead the night shift at a local joint downtown and it's easy as balls. My boss owns four businesses on the same block that just came up in the last five years or so, with a couple more sprouting up nearby. Only problem is, The pizza place and Bar to which we are siblings are literally the only places making any money. Our earnings pretty much pay for everyone else's paychecks. Shit design, but all the managers at the places are really good friends with one another, myself included. We like to get really hammered.

Also I build and ride bikes.
Not much really, I mostly play music and work in the studio. I work freelance when I get the chance or I'm totally broke, doing sound at events, theaters etc. Not much live PA sound though, I never really enjoyed that part enough to try to become good at it.
I'm a house engineer at a local commercial style facility here, and I also do drafting and home design on the side. That's what I did before engineering became the lion's share of my income.
Research student, developing and using new evolutionary algorithms and neural networks, using D and Python.
I quite possibly just missed out on having my name on the first paper to find gravitational waves by being too busy over the summer *FACE-PALM*

Also, part-time foreign exchange trader, although I haven't done any active trading for a while. I'm focusing more on analytics atm, using Python + Pandas