Alas, Tyranny
Bullshit, all of it.
Well, not all of it.
There is a very real placebo effect going on. The rest is bullshit.
Well, not all of it.
There is a very real placebo effect going on. The rest is bullshit.
There is a very real placebo effect going on. The rest is bullshit.
Whether its placebo effect or not, it is helping people deal with pain, stress, and other parts of their lives that cause them some form of irritation or uncomfortable feeling.
It's just a more descriptive way of saying if your mind is well your body will also be well.
Go to the very bottom of this page:
See how easy it is to falsify shit on Wikipedia
Granted that will probably only stay there a day or so, maybe only even a few hours. But citing Wikipedia is always a BAD idea.
Ahhh shit .. gone already ... go figure. Well it did say HI Jeff! for a few minutes.
I generally believe in past lives.
On a molecular level, we are constantly being recycled. We have been many other things in many other times and places. When our current forms die, our purest molecular form will become parts of other things.
I dare say certain things could carry over between different forms, perhaps in unusually powerful way.
Dude... this actually just proves that citing Wikipedia is a pretty safe thing to do. You *know* there are anal nerd types out there who will correct erroneous information if it can be corrected.
Wikipedia is like the real-life Akashic records