Peavey 6505 clean tone??


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Anyone have a decent example of a 6505's clean tone? I'm considering trying one of these amps out, and perhaps buying one. But I need good cleans as well as arse-tearing distortion.
the general idea of the cleans in a 6505 are :puke:. No one seems to like the cleans. I dunno myself, haven't tried it for cleans ever.
Oooh, then you are barking up the wrong tree, lawdy lawdy :lol: If there's one thing the 5150/6505 is maligned for, it's its cleans! (though apparently the 5150II/6505+ is better) I mean, it's useable, but you won't get much headroom for clarity at high-volumes, and it's just so flat and lifeless sounding IMO (referring to the 5150 now, not II)
lol. Nevermind then, I'll stick with my VH100R. I might swap out the EL34's for 6L6's though... I'm just finding the low-end a bit flubby... maybe it's my cab. I've got a JCM900 2x12 with stock speakers, GT12-75.
I didn't like the cleans on my 6505+, but it actually improve a bunch after the bias mod and retube. Although an fx pedal is required in the loop, I'm using an RV-3 and it sounds pretty good.
getting a cleanish tone is not too hard from my 6505+, if i keep the pre down and the mids and highs not too high in the mix its clean enough. or else you could have it set up that when you hit your fx loop switch that it switches your signal to a pod or something which produces your clean tone and then let the peavey's poweramp handle boosting the volume.

another thing to note that i know he does not have the cleanest tone on the planet but rob flynn from machine head uses the lead channel for his clean tone and i tried his settings and its actually not too bad. throw a phase 90 & a MXR EVH flanger in the mix and you'll come out with the perfect MH clean tones. only if thats what your after.
yeah, well, as much as I love my old blockletter 5150, and I do love it, it don't 'do' clean.
At all.
Pretty darn flat, no headroom, lifeless etc.
But that would be like complaining about bland mashed potatoes when I bought a steak.
A big juicy killer !



These are what you want for clean.
^ +1 to that. I was very very very surprised when I was using a Krank Rev+ and it actually sounded great. I wouldn't have anticipated that at all.

For cleans I really dig vox and fender. I can't imagine you could ever get a good clean tone out of a 6505/5150
Oh yeah, apparently the Lone Stars have absolutely astounding cleans, and they put the circuitry from it into the clean channel of the most current Roadsters and Road Kings...hardly cheap options though, even in the US!
The other guitarist in my band uses a 6505 and to be honest, the clean tone he manages to get out of it isnt too bad at all.. I think if you stick the crunch on you can get some really nice dirty cleans too..
Check out the clean tone from his 6505 a few minutes into the song 'With Your Disease' on - I like it.