Peavey 6505 clean tone??

Even my wife commented that the cleans on my 5150 are poop. And anything with a vag attached to it don't know squat about guitar tone.
Yeah we used the xxx for cleans on our last record. It does ultra-clean very well but on the other hand it doesn't have much personality.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned boogie yet as I think they do some great cleans.

My buddies old Dual Rec three channel had a fabulous clean channel.
Sounded killer recorded.
My Laney VH100R has a great clean tone already; it's just the distortion is kinda leaving me lacking. It's not chuggy enough. Don't know if its my cab, or the tubes I'm using.
hey dude - try the fender 5150 III. Amazing cleans AND the distortion will blow your balls off :kickass:. Roland JC 120 is pretty awesome too!
Lori Linstruth would kick your ass for saying that :p.

I just seen a couple videos on youtube genuinely talented.

Yeah to get clean tones out of a 5150 you'll need a splitter & A/B switch with a different preamp MP1 or JMP1 feeding the poweramp via the effects loop. Sorta like setting up a VCR so you can watch one program and record another. I bet that last sentence makes less sense than the first(God I'm Getting Old).

Check at 5.55. I think it's not that bad (of course it sucks compared to a Fender-Roland clean tone). Looking at his settings you see that the mids are on 0!!!!!
What do you think?
Do you know any band that recorded good clean tone out of that amp?
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IMO the 6505 is purely orientated on achieved godly tight distortion... its just as easy to run an Fx send to enhance the clean sounds but in all honesty i would reccomend getting an a/b swith and at the other side run something that is well known for its cleans... fender amps sound lush on cleans...

but dont settle with one amp... remember you can always blend.... limits are endless.... its just down to taking the time to max them
I'd definitely have to recommend what the others say, take a POD direct to the house and use an A/B box if you want good cleans without having to buy an expensive amp just for cleans.

I think of the 5150/6505 as less of an amp and more of an instrument. Like an acoustic guitar, it's got one sound to it, and you're stuck with it pretty much. It's arguably the best high gain amp ever made, but it is almost useless for any other purpose.
Yeah to get clean tones out of a 5150 you'll need a splitter & A/B switch with a different preamp MP1 or JMP1 feeding the poweramp via the effects loop. Sorta like setting up a VCR so you can watch one program and record another. I bet that last sentence makes less sense than the first(God I'm Getting Old).

Very interesting. Would this require more than one A/B switch to work? I would like to have on my eq, noise gate, and what not in a normal effects loop for my 5150. Then hit a switch and go to my Rocktron Voodu Valve into the power section of the 5150. It seams like there would need to be a A/B switch after my guitar line and an A/B switch right before the 5150 effect return. But I could be full of goat poop.
Iv had good results from my roland jazz chorus 120 and also i borrowed my mates mesa boggie studio preamp and slaved it through the power section of my dual rec and it got some sweet clean tones, warm and full also got some stellar lead tones out of it very liquid sounding hmmm is there any mesa that doesn't sound great:D, but back ot the 6505 is a one trick pony (and boy what a trick:D) and probably not what your looking for
I'd definitely have to recommend what the others say, take a POD direct to the house and use an A/B box if you want good cleans without having to buy an expensive amp just for cleans.

Wow, never thought about that, and that's a really good option!

I'm using my 6505 with a rocktron xpression, so I always have the loop on because I need the noisegate, and my midi controller is now a that's the solution I need!
My buddies old Dual Rec three channel had a fabulous clean channel.
Sounded killer recorded.

I have a 2 ch in my studio right now and I am pretty unimpressed with the clean sound out of that thing. My Fender woops the shit out of it (voodoo mod bassman 100). But then again the only thing my fender does well is clean and slightly broken up overdrive rock sounds.
IMO the 6505 is purely orientated on achieved godly tight distortion... its just as easy to run an Fx send to enhance the clean sounds but in all honesty i would reccomend getting an a/b swith and at the other side run something that is well known for its cleans... fender amps sound lush on cleans...

but dont settle with one amp... remember you can always blend.... limits are endless.... its just down to taking the time to max them

I can't drive and space in the drummers car is limited. Although we know a guy who builds amps, so I might talk to him about building an amp for myself; I'm thinking a cross between Fender cleans and Mesa distortion, with a hint of Soldano, Marshall, and Peavey.

One thing I definitely want to try though is switching over to a 6L6 power section, with some different pre-amp tubes; possibily Mullards.
Very interesting. Would this require more than one A/B switch to work? I would like to have on my eq, noise gate, and what not in a normal effects loop for my 5150. Then hit a switch and go to my Rocktron Voodu Valve into the power section of the 5150. It seams like there would need to be a A/B switch after my guitar line and an A/B switch right before the 5150 effect return. But I could be full of goat poop.

Just a buffer/splitter pre-amplifier input. What feeds the amp is the same that feeds the external clean channel pre. Then just have an A/B switch in your effects loop chain where you want it to be injected.
I have a 2 ch in my studio right now and I am pretty unimpressed with the clean sound out of that thing. My Fender woops the shit out of it (voodoo mod bassman 100). But then again the only thing my fender does well is clean and slightly broken up overdrive rock sounds.

Yeah, honestly, I haven't fucked with the clean much on my 2 ch., but it ain't too spectacular either - but whatever, it has an awesome vintage high-gain channel and god's own modern high-gain, so no complaints here!! I love it more with each passing day :worship: (mostly as I figure out the tweaking on the fucker!)
Actually, I take it back, I finally messed around with the clean channel on mine yesterday, and it can definitely sound really nice! The only thing that had me confused before was you have to have the preamp gain at like 9 o'clock for any decent amount of headroom, but you can still get PLENTY of volume from the master!
If i remember correctly machine head uses 5150's also for clean guitars.

Although they might not be as "pretty" as fender cleans, they do have a certain vibe that fits the band's overall sound methinks.