peavey XXL-HEAD


Dec 7, 2004
santiago, chile
has anyone used this head? i wanna buy a 5150 as last chance,but i cant find one here in chile
( used ).and buy it from it cost me the double bring it here,

i want a krank revolution but NO ONE BRING KRANKs TO CHILE,

so i went into a local store for the XXL-HEAD and they didnt have the cabinet so i coudnt test it, but it looks awesome ( lol )

so any one have any website with demos of this head? or have used one before??

thnks in advance
maybe i could have something similar to a krank with this'? or at least in that level of head?
For that kind of budget...I would search for a used 5150 if possible.
Sure it's not a krank, but it has been proven as a good amp, and now it's selling for cheap used.

EDIT: I've just read about ebay in spain we have the same problem haha, I can't seem to find any deals that doesn't charge more on shipping than on the product itself.
Maybe asking fellow bands if they know of someone selling something? It's the only way here.
For that kind of budget...I would search for a used 5150 if possible.
Sure it's not a krank, but it has been proven as a good amp, and now it's selling for cheap used.

EDIT: I've just read about ebay in spain we have the same problem haha, I can't seem to find any deals that doesn't charge more on shipping than on the product itself.
Maybe asking fellow bands if they know of someone selling something? It's the only way here.

lol, yeap, but in chile is very weird to find a 5150 or a mesa boogie even ( used )

so i have to buy it new :)
I don't like the XXL. It sounds like a nosier, unnatural version of the Triple XXX. But it all depends on what else you can get access to.

A year or two I was about to buy a triplexxx, I tested that day a triple, a XXL and a Hughes and kettner Zenamp.
Well at low volume levels there's no difference between those two amps, really fizzy tones, but as soon as I raised the volume I realized what was a great amp and what was just shit. Triplexxx won hands down.
Thick tone, a little bit fizzy, but that's a very good thick tone.
XXL that' not so bad, but it is very very very beginner amp, not big tone.
i think the XXL is a great amp for the price, and honestly one of the best solid states out there

if you try it, make sure you set the damping switch to loose on the back and rock out on the orange channel (the red channel is a useless pile of fizz IMO) the cleans are quite nice as well

the other guitarist in my band plays one thru a 5150 cab, and people are always impressed with the tone...of course he sounds better when i let him use my 5150, but the xxl is a damn fine amp in it's own right
chile ?

would love to hear some Chile Metal, got any links of local metal bands ?

I was the recording engeneering of the guitars for the "black and cold" album :oops: another friend's band.... more like Nickelback kind of band

Another Friend's band a little bit of Chilean Meshuggah! jaja

Another Friend's band

The band of my friend Pol! (Pablo)

And another Friend's band!

Enjoy! :headbang:
me and my mate are going to pick up an XXL he just baught this Saturday, but I've not heard it in context with a mix yet.. did anyone have any clips? even raw ones would be good

check my signature

all XXL:headbang:

its a great amp for the price, really versitile, a tad noisy though, but for those saying it aint ballsy, it certainly is!

granted id prefer a 5150/6505, but the xxl is a great sounding solidstate

this is so old

just to update anyway, just bought a peavey triple x and is the shit!

bught it on ebay like 7 months ago.., everything works perefectly with shipping and that stuff..