"People wanted for a trip" <--- You? Post here!


Little Grasshopper
Nov 16, 2001
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Hello, ladies and gentlemen,

My (nick)name is |ngenius, maybe you remember me from other threads like "We All Live Dreaming..." or "How to get endorsed by Microsoft for your science project in school".

First of all, I'm sorry. Yes, I've been absent for so long now, dropping some scattered posts from time to time, but leaving the hard task of maintaining the vibe on more responsible and dwarfish shoulders. I apologize, it's obvious that you've missed me all this long.

Secondly, I start this thread for personal reasons. Yes, two weeks from now I'm supposed to get to Ireland for a two weeks visit. I'm going to visit some friends of mine who have been living in Cork for a couple of months now, but I would like to visit other cities too, and it would be fun to count on someone else. I know this is a place crowded by people from anywhere in the world, so... why don't try to gather them together and know if anyone is interested in joining me?!

So here I am. If you feel like starting a trip and you don't wanna be alone, if you wanna offer your guidance and welcome visitors from other countries (galaxies even, if you're open-minded enough and you like to eat brightly coloured pills)... just post here!!!

Hope I find someone living in Ireland or wanting to go there. Remember: first two weeks in November. Put a robot in your life, you're not gonna regret it (your family will).

As always, I love you all so much, my little ponies. Thanks for listening, make this thread yours.

pass me a line if you happen to pass through germany or anywhere near - seems i can't get a few days off just right now to travel to ireland or some such :-/

@VC: With that signature of yours, I won't even happen to trespass the german air space boundaries. :grin: But this thread works both ways: you always can ask for those days off in a mid term future and come to Barcelona, right?

Thanks anyway, dude. I appreciate it.

@Marduk: I'm sorry, didn't I mention the rule about "blonde-females-around-25 only"? :P Kidding, just take a look to the dates, arrange your flight plans, and send me a pm to coordinate. ;)

Id like to go to Ireland and am willing to skip school. But I dont have any money at all, would that be a problem? Im female and Ill be 24 on march, but Im not blonde. I could dye my hair or wear a wig though.
Hitori said:
Id like to go to Ireland and am willing to skip school. But I dont have any money at all, would that be a problem? Im female and Ill be 24 on march, but Im not blonde. I could dye my hair or wear a wig though.

Well, you're welcome even if you're not blonde. I'll try and accept your hair as it is, and I encourage you to leave school once for all. They don't teach useful stuff, you should concentrate in assimilating true metal lessons: you know, polishing your sword, punishing non-metal-believers, composing songs about masters of the wind...

As for the money, don't ask me. I have my doubts about how the flight company is gonna take that, but you should try it out. You know what they say: flying is a matter of thinking about positive things and dressing in green.

If you solve these problems, you're quite welcome. ;)

I wish I could go, too. Alas, like Hitori, I have many responsibilities and not as much money :( I'll try some alternatives like clicking my heels, capturing a dragon and yes, thinking happy thoughts!

Hope this isn't turning into a "sorry, I want to but can't come along" thread :P
Son of a ...

I'd love to hit up Ireland. Have cousins and family friends over there, and I've been twice before, so I know the place a bit...

Damn school. I probably even have the money too (thank god for working during school), but theres no way I could pull that off. Sorry, my kind robotic friend.

@Kov: Pity you can't come, but I gotta remember you're in New York, it's a place I'm going to be visiting someday. ;)

What about the rest? Anyone? I will pay a couple of beers, come on. No? I feel alone... (but kinda irish...)

I'm happy to skip school - haven't done it for a while now, though as most other people I have the whole "money" issue, wouldn't it be great if hugging was the international currency but then the increase of someone pick-pocketing you goes up by about 150%. I am female and naturally blonde - though I made the mistake of dying it black, then the 6 inch roots purple :Spin: .
I'll have a word with my magical reindeer.