people who dont know any theory piss me off

Yeah so today my friend and iw ere fucking around with our guitars, and we were messing with this one riff and i go to him "hey try this, when i hit that minor third, you hit the 7th" and he looked at me with a blank stare, so then i had to think in my head for a second what actual note was it then i was like "okay when i hit this, you hit the E" once again, blank stare. I dont get how people can have decent skill at guitar and not even know what notes exist on the neck. Man its annoying, maybe ive just become a music snob, but who knows. Either way, im just ranting so ill shut up now.
It's alright that lots of people don't know it, but the gay ones are the ones who brag about it like they're awesome for being lazy. "I KNO NO MUISC THOEYR AT ALLL I DONTT NEEED IT IM SO TALENTED I DO ALL BY EER BECUZ IM FUKKING GOOD, IT BECUMS MY OWN SOUND I NEEED NO SCEILZ TO HLEP ME WRITE SHITT ALREDY WRITTTEN BEFORE, I GET UNiEQUE SOuNDZ, I HAVE SOUUUL UNLIEK PETRUCCIIII". Hahaha, kids.
i have some knowledge of general music theory, and can apply it to the guitar somewhat. but for the most part, i do stuff by ear and i've been playing and listening long enough to the point where if i want to come up with a harmony guitar part, i can get the notes perfect on the fly without even thinking about it. you know what i mean?
It also pisses me off. I have spent a lot of time and have basically mastered the concepts of tonal theory. I hope to get into more modern atonal concepts soon like tone rows and such. the thing is when you don't know it you are unaware that you aren't doing anything that hasn't been done for hundreds of years. I think it would be smart to learn from the music of the past in order to expand upon it. It is like starting from nothing if you don't. Some people don't have the ambition to do anything innovative. If more people knew theory malmsteen would lose his fanbase. Who cares how many octaves he can sweep the I and V triads in?
He has no concept of rhythm. Then those people who know nothing of music have the nerve to call him classical...amusing but annoying.
You can get by emulating and copying bands styles and learning their songs. I think if you want to be more than mediocre you will need to learn more. Opeth being the exception. I was fucking shocked akerfeldt doesn't know theory. THere are exceptions to everything. If more bands new theory bands as talented as Opeth would be plentiful. We need to raise the bar in metal.
SADUDE, you said TWO stupid things! Not one thing, but TWO! Amazing!!

"If more people knew theory malmsteen would lose his fanbase. I'm a cool little anti-malmsteiner!!!"

Dumbest thing I've heard in a very long time, perhaps ever. No wait, there's everything Sic has said too. You're second place.

"I was fucking shocked akerfeldt doesn't know theory."

Holy shitballs, this even surpasses Sic's posts. Dumbest quote EVER! I must add this to my sig... later!

Let me give you a lesson in atonal theory too. Untune your instrument and try to sound as shitty as possible in a random manner. Then call yourself genius.
Mattias of the Night said:
SADUDE, you said TWO stupid things! Not one thing, but TWO! Amazing!!

"If more people knew theory malmsteen would lose his fanbase. I'm a cool little anti-malmsteiner!!!"

Dumbest thing I've heard in a very long time, perhaps ever. No wait, there's everything Sic has said too. You're second place.

"I was fucking shocked akerfeldt doesn't know theory."

Holy shitballs, this even surpasses Sic's posts. Dumbest quote EVER! I must add this to my sig... later!

Let me give you a lesson in atonal theory too. Untune your instrument and try to sound as shitty as possible in a random manner. Then call yourself genius.

Hey then I guess tis a good thing we have you around here then. Posts like the one you made above only make me look better by you making a retard out of yourself.
Malmsteen is a wanker and nothing more. Anyone including himself, and you that says he has anything to do with classical needs to relieve the world of their stupidity.
I think someone told me akerfeldt said he didn't know anything about theory. If you ever saw the video where he talks about what he is playing in the drapery falls, you can tell he doesn't have a clue. That asked him what chord he was playing pr something.

You need to learn something about 20th century music, chromaticism, and atonallity. Check out Schoenberg, Bartok and the russian composers Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, Rachmanninoff...etc
Please tell me you could do better than some of those composers so I can laugh at you some more.

If you want some music lessons I would be happy to instruct you... I wouldn't charge all that much either... ha
I would just like to take a moment to say i hate pure atonal music with a passion, but using atonal stuff from time to time is cool. I hate those bands that just ignore all time, key, and chord structure just to "break free from the bonds of music" thats a load of crap in my opinion
i'd rather be akderfelt then petrucci any day. You can know all the theory in the world and have all the technical skill and you will still come up with the boring overused stuff that petrucci does, as does any other shredder. Opeth is the perfect example of what you can do by feeling music instead of just knowing the theory of it all...sure for classical music you have to know theory to write it...but you think Zeppelin came up with riffs based on theory? Or Hendrix?

I'm not saying it's bad to know, but don't bash people that don't know it just because it's the only way YOU can play.
iAMtheblackwizards said:
I would just like to take a moment to say i hate pure atonal music with a passion, but using atonal stuff from time to time is cool. I hate those bands that just ignore all time, key, and chord structure just to "break free from the bonds of music" thats a load of crap in my opinion

Listen to the composers I suggested... there is a method to the madness. Modern classical is not ignorant to the established fundamentals of music, but rather has more complex usage. Not crap I promise
fadingessence said:
i'd rather be akderfelt then petrucci any day. You can know all the theory in the world and have all the technical skill and you will still come up with the boring overused stuff that petrucci does, as does any other shredder. Opeth is the perfect example of what you can do by feeling music instead of just knowing the theory of it all...sure for classical music you have to know theory to write it...but you think Zeppelin came up with riffs based on theory? Or Hendrix?

I'm not saying it's bad to know, but don't bash people that don't know it just because it's the only way YOU can play.

How many bands are like Opeth? So they got where they are by fluke... not many bands have as much musically interesting stuff as they do that don't know where they are going. Opeth is definitly ahead of the pack, but there is room for improvement. I love Opeth but things like Deliverance show that could not go any further and stumble upon that level again (the beauty of still life). The musicianship on it is is subpar, but this is off- topic. If we don't have these demanding expectations progress will be impossible and mediocrity will be present in abundance. We have to set high standards.
SADUDE said:
Listen to the composers I suggested... there is a method to the madness. Modern classical is not ignorant to the established fundamentals of music, but rather has more complex usage. Not crap I promise

No i know what youre tlaking about, there are kids at my school that listen to "true atonal" music, and its literal crap. its random notes, with pauses in spots for no reason other than to break up time structure, but these kids will argue you blue in the face saying that its the only real form of music because everything else is to bogged down by rules which is just bullshit.
SADUDE said:
Malmsteen is a wanker and nothing more. Anyone including himself, and you that says he has anything to do with classical needs to relieve the world of their stupidity.
I think someone told me akerfeldt said he didn't know anything about theory. If you ever saw the video where he talks about what he is playing in the drapery falls, you can tell he doesn't have a clue. That asked him what chord he was playing pr something.

You need to learn something about 20th century music, chromaticism, and atonallity. Check out Schoenberg, Bartok and the russian composers Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, Rachmanninoff...etc
Please tell me you could do better than some of those composers so I can laugh at you some more.

If you want some music lessons I would be happy to instruct you... I wouldn't charge all that much either... ha

Hahaha, you have no clue why your posts were st00pid. That makes you even sto0pider. You Opeth fans are all the same!

Oh wow, I've never heard any atonal 20th century music before. No, never ever ever. EVER!

Schoenberg was a dumbass who thought his music would some day revolutionize the entire world, that it would be constantly played on the radio as people grew more intelligent. How surprising that his ridiculously simple formula didn't go this far. I'm much better than him, and I could kick his ass in a fight. More importantly, he wasn't very good looking either.
fadingessence said:
i'd rather be akderfelt then petrucci any day. You can know all the theory in the world and have all the technical skill and you will still come up with the boring overused stuff that petrucci does, as does any other shredder. Opeth is the perfect example of what you can do by feeling music instead of just knowing the theory of it all...sure for classical music you have to know theory to write it...but you think Zeppelin came up with riffs based on theory? Or Hendrix?


I forgot to throw in the world "feeling" in there. I guess it's needed in addition to "soul" which I used. "overused stuff" was a new one though. "No feeling" is what is normally used instead, but I'm always open to hear new expressions.

Hey according to SKADUDE Zeppelin and Hendrix did write using music theory, because they innovated. Unless, of course, they were parts of the exceptions that apply to anything.
iAMtheblackwizards said:
No i know what youre tlaking about, there are kids at my school that listen to "true atonal" music, and its literal crap. its random notes, with pauses in spots for no reason other than to break up time structure, but these kids will argue you blue in the face saying that its the only real form of music because everything else is to bogged down by rules which is just bullshit.

Wasn't it Schoenberg who had his rule to play all 12 notes randomly and not repeat any one note until they had all been used?

To be even more elite, one would have to move to the east and play all the notes that are in between our 12 western notes. That would be total atonal genius with no sissyboy rules at all that would come in the way and ruin everything.
SADUDE said:
Listen to the composers I suggested... there is a method to the madness. Modern classical is not ignorant to the established fundamentals of music, but rather has more complex usage. Not crap I promise

More complex my ass. Just different, and pointless usage. It's more bogged down by rules than tonal music is.

NO ONE actually likes the stuff. NO ONE can sit through a whole hour of completely atonal stuff and enjoy the entire thing all the way through. ANYONE, however, can SAY that they can. These people are ELITE!
Mattias of the Night said:
NO ONE actually likes the stuff. NO ONE can sit through a whole hour of completely atonal stuff and enjoy the entire thing all the way through. ANYONE, however, can SAY that they can. These people are ELITE!

Lets just put it this way, some of these l33t music people are very convincing that they only will listen to atonal music, i know because for whatever reason at my school like 1/3 of the kids that actually do listen to music are like this. Fuck that though, ill listen to my tonal music and be happy with its "rules" for a fine listening experience.
Mattias of the Night said:
Wasn't it Schoenberg who had his rule to play all 12 notes randomly and not repeat any one note until they had all been used?

To be even more elite, one would have to move to the east and play all the notes that are in between our 12 western notes. That would be total atonal genius with no sissyboy rules at all that would come in the way and ruin everything.
yes, playing all 12 notes was a way schoenberg created to destroy the pull that notes have towards a tonal center. however, they need not be assembeled randomly, and they are to be unified into a cohesive unit using permutation in a method very much reminiscent of j.s. bach.
schoenberg's 12 tone matrix wasn't the only way to become atonal. wagner's opera "tristan and isoldt" was atonal. it actually took western tonality to its logical limit; from there composers sought new ways to express themselves, feeling that the old tonal system left no new avenues.