Personal Artwork

They are brill! We're gonna use them in the booklet of the album i think because i wasnt too sure what was going on and we were powering on with the album. So we have a painted cover. But what i want to do for the booklet is deffo have those negs still in there. No lyrics or anything, just pure art for the album.

That 3rd one is fantastic. My favourite one!
I did this little doodle while I was at work today


I call it 'Wall Street Whore' :lol:

Blegh. Went outside this evening for some photos (atleast trying to). Every single one of them failed because it was just too dark, only this one kinda looked cool I think..
Logo I just made for my little project :D Pretty bad tbh but then again, it describes the music lol.

Well... Not my pictures. But a lad I was with that night. It was all pretty much a collective effort getting where we did so I thought I'd show you the stuff we got to see.







This is in the biggest warehouse we found. When we were about to leave we found a small gap into this GIANT room. I couldn't believe how big it actually was. It was amazing. It was pitch black though. You could see the dusted over windows at the other end on the roof. But other than that it was really pitch black.

Warehouse Pillar

Warehouse machinery?
Hhhhmmmmm...... Dark warehouse..... early morning.... Everyone being around what, 20?
Yeah that sounds like a great idea....... till a horror movie monster attacks you all! :lol: