Personal Artwork

To keep the thread alive,

It's similar. But that's the point of Minister Bonesaw. It's a tribute band without actually covering songs (well... sometimes covering).

The best thing that could ever happen is if I got sued. I'd know I'm doing a good tribute then.
I made a painting.
Theme: Superf(l)at. The boy is heavily underfed and starved, he doesn't have any food or anything (superflat). But because of the starvation his belly grows like big so he's superfat. I also used the technique blow up to make the belly seem bigger.

Ahh shit that last one... Is it a special lense or effect? I know a few people who use that from rooftops and it makes the buildings and cars that are in focus look like models!

Thats a tilt and shift lens that they are using, it fucks with perspective. Super amazing effect. But that shot was just taken with my 35mm lens set at f/1.8 to give it a really shallow depth of field so thats why only that little portion is in focus.