Personal Shit Thread version 2.0

Bump because Dave is lazy. :lol:

Continue on with all personal shit that bothers you, we the forum, as a family, will be here to comfort you. :D

I'll probably contibute my own shit to this thread, but not at the moment.
Well I know I haven't posted much in ages, but here goes:

Turns out I'd apparently been suffering from depression for the last few years. I didn't actually realise it, I thought it was normal to feel really fucking negative about everything for no apparent reason. I didn't think depression was a serious condition. But recently I've been on a personal 'journey' (long story) and for the first time in as long as I can remember, I feel naturally happy and positive about everything. I'd forgotten what it feels like to be a normal human being, but I've missed it so much, it's amazing. I'm enjoying everything I'm doing, I'm finally living life again.
I'm just so fucking happy right now, and it's gonna take some time getting used to it.

My advice to everyone is that if you are suffering from negativity in your life for irrational reasons, you should try and get help, because something can be done about it, and when it's cured, you'll realise it was the best decision of your life.

I could go on forever, but I probably sound like a crazy hippy, so I'll give your eyes a break.

Peace out
Well I know I haven't posted much in ages, but here goes:

Turns out I'd apparently been suffering from depression for the last few years. I didn't actually realise it, I thought it was normal to feel really fucking negative about everything for no apparent reason. I didn't think depression was a serious condition. But recently I've been on a personal 'journey' (long story) and for the first time in as long as I can remember, I feel naturally happy and positive about everything. I'd forgotten what it feels like to be a normal human being, but I've missed it so much, it's amazing. I'm enjoying everything I'm doing, I'm finally living life again.
I'm just so fucking happy right now, and it's gonna take some time getting used to it.

My advice to everyone is that if you are suffering from negativity in your life for irrational reasons, you should try and get help, because something can be done about it, and when it's cured, you'll realise it was the best decision of your life.

I could go on forever, but I probably sound like a crazy hippy, so I'll give your eyes a break.

Peace out

good to hear, man!

you found god?

that is a serious question, it was actually the first thing that came to my mind when i read your post.

anyway, again, good to hear!
i agree, but that was just the first thing that came up :lol: probably because i read an article yesterday about Dave Mustaine. it said that he is a dedicated Christian know or whatever
Well I know I haven't posted much in ages, but here goes:

Turns out I'd apparently been suffering from depression for the last few years. I didn't actually realise it, I thought it was normal to feel really fucking negative about everything for no apparent reason. I didn't think depression was a serious condition. But recently I've been on a personal 'journey' (long story) and for the first time in as long as I can remember, I feel naturally happy and positive about everything. I'd forgotten what it feels like to be a normal human being, but I've missed it so much, it's amazing. I'm enjoying everything I'm doing, I'm finally living life again.
I'm just so fucking happy right now, and it's gonna take some time getting used to it.

My advice to everyone is that if you are suffering from negativity in your life for irrational reasons, you should try and get help, because something can be done about it, and when it's cured, you'll realise it was the best decision of your life.

I could go on forever, but I probably sound like a crazy hippy, so I'll give your eyes a break.

Peace out

It makes me very happy to read this, I hope you can continue living your life to the fullest!
Not gonna lie to you, I'm not in the best of places at the moment. I feel really lonely, partly as a consequence of not having been near a woman this year, and partly because I can't find a flatmate. I've tried facebook, gumtree, small ads. Interviewed a few people and the only ones that have seemed right have opted for other places. I hate going home to no-one at all, it's doing my head in. Plus my friends have all reached that age where they're busy with kids and wives and lives, and I feel like I've been left behind. I've got one great mate that I see a few times a week but when he's busy I don't know what to do. Some days I just stay in bed all day because I have no reason to do anything else. I don't even bother going out to get food. The stress of not finding a flatmate is really affecting me and last month I had to pay the full rent on a 2 bedroom flat which has left me totally and dangerously skint. I'm hating my job at the moment, we have a new manager and the whole place is going super strict and I can't take it any more. I need to get out.

The only thing keeping me sane is Thrashist Regime.

The punchline? I'm a fucking loser!
See, I've just gotten into the bad habit of trying extremely hard not to give a shit. That means womanising, drinking heavily and procrastinating - and therefore, I'm starting to get a bit fat :lol: bad story bro, I wouldn't suggest it to anybody (well, except the womanising bit) because it fucks you right up. I've been sick for the past few days because I've drank far too much - my liver must be like a raisin by now.

Also, trying that hard to stop giving a fuck leads to acting like a total cunt IRL. being a dick online is fine and all that, but when you start telling somebody who's begging for change to climb a wall of dicks (seriously) then you take a step back and go "Fucking Christ, that was out of line even for me". Doesn't help that I've got so many trust issues with literally everything and everyone so that adds to paranoia which equates to more drinking and therefore trying even harder to not give a fuck which... well, you get the idea.

tl;dr - I'm becoming a total twat because I hate people, wat do
Not gonna lie to you, I'm not in the best of places at the moment. I feel really lonely, partly as a consequence of not having been near a woman this year, and partly because I can't find a flatmate. I've tried facebook, gumtree, small ads. Interviewed a few people and the only ones that have seemed right have opted for other places. I hate going home to no-one at all, it's doing my head in. Plus my friends have all reached that age where they're busy with kids and wives and lives, and I feel like I've been left behind. I've got one great mate that I see a few times a week but when he's busy I don't know what to do. Some days I just stay in bed all day because I have no reason to do anything else. I don't even bother going out to get food. The stress of not finding a flatmate is really affecting me and last month I had to pay the full rent on a 2 bedroom flat which has left me totally and dangerously skint. I'm hating my job at the moment, we have a new manager and the whole place is going super strict and I can't take it any more. I need to get out.

The only thing keeping me sane is Thrashist Regime.

The punchline? I'm a fucking loser!

No-one running a metal show on radio has the right to call themselves a loser! Just hang in there and things will get better!
Not gonna lie to you, I'm not in the best of places at the moment. I feel really lonely, partly as a consequence of not having been near a woman this year, and partly because I can't find a flatmate. I've tried facebook, gumtree, small ads. Interviewed a few people and the only ones that have seemed right have opted for other places. I hate going home to no-one at all, it's doing my head in. Plus my friends have all reached that age where they're busy with kids and wives and lives, and I feel like I've been left behind. I've got one great mate that I see a few times a week but when he's busy I don't know what to do. Some days I just stay in bed all day because I have no reason to do anything else. I don't even bother going out to get food. The stress of not finding a flatmate is really affecting me and last month I had to pay the full rent on a 2 bedroom flat which has left me totally and dangerously skint. I'm hating my job at the moment, we have a new manager and the whole place is going super strict and I can't take it any more. I need to get out.

The only thing keeping me sane is Thrashist Regime.

The punchline? I'm a fucking loser!

Man I feel almost the same sometimes.. my work is also uninspiring as hell and Iam always surrounded by people who are fucked up or playing super smart and "ahh I can do things better than you" and get offended by them several times.. but like dave I believe I also tend always more into not giving a fuck about it - and it fuckin helps. Also what pisses me extremely off those people who just "think" they'd understand my problems and try to direct my way..
It's terrible and I miss my old mate from school..It just was so awesome to talk with him about music, chicks wtf ever. I like people that like to chill out and not those fuckin bastards who think they know everything about you and "understand" how you tick.. it makes me all sick. I know everyone has problems but for me my life is really fucked. It just would be a release to talk with some people that are on the same level like me, drink some beer, smoke some cigarettes and chill out and talk about all those retarded faggots with which I have to do in my work. Real people. Arrh that sounds fuckin pathetic I know..
Music still is the only thing that gives me something but it also loses always more inspiration anyhow..I wished there would be a better time, a better place for me but it isn't.