Personal Shit Thread version 2.0

Say something to my face you German bastard scum.

See, I've just gotten into the bad habit of trying extremely hard not to give a shit. That means womanising, drinking heavily and procrastinating - and therefore, I'm starting to get a bit fat :lol: bad story bro, I wouldn't suggest it to anybody (well, except the womanising bit) because it fucks you right up. I've been sick for the past few days because I've drank far too much - my liver must be like a raisin by now.

Also, trying that hard to stop giving a fuck leads to acting like a total cunt IRL. being a dick online is fine and all that, but when you start telling somebody who's begging for change to climb a wall of dicks (seriously) then you take a step back and go "Fucking Christ, that was out of line even for me". Doesn't help that I've got so many trust issues with literally everything and everyone so that adds to paranoia which equates to more drinking and therefore trying even harder to not give a fuck which... well, you get the idea.

tl;dr - I'm becoming a total twat because I hate people, wat do

Find enlightenment or something.

You didn't look fat tonight bb boi, you looked sexylicious.

But back to your post, I didn't appear fat because I was wearing a baggy shirt - when you're having a shower and the view of your feet is obscured by your belly, it raises concerns :lol: But aye. I'll get back in shape by webslinging.

I hate this. I don't know what I feel right now. I love her but at the same time I don't. I don't know if I can go through this again. I placed an ad on craigslist looking for a "casual encounter" I'm so lost...

I loved her so much, and to think that she never loved me is pain of the worst sort. I feel alone, but I don't at the same time, I know my friends are there for me, but the only thing that could possibly give me comfort right now is if someone came to me and told me they were going through the exact same thing so I wouldn't feel alone.

I don't know what to think. All I know is that I want to start over and move to San Antonio to live with my friend.

My mom might have cancer, even if it is cancer, they'll be able to remove it, and from what I hear, it's the least threatning of all cancers. But she's my mom, I would feel like an inconsiderate douchefag if I just up and left her, even if it turned out not to be cancer.
I hate this. I don't know what I feel right now. I love her but at the same time I don't. I don't know if I can go through this again. I placed an ad on craigslist looking for a "casual encounter" I'm so lost...

I loved her so much, and to think that she never loved me is pain of the worst sort. I feel alone, but I don't at the same time, I know my friends are there for me, but the only thing that could possibly give me comfort right now is if someone came to me and told me they were going through the exact same thing so I wouldn't feel alone.

I don't know what to think. All I know is that I want to start over and move to San Antonio to live with my friend.

My mom might have cancer, even if it is cancer, they'll be able to remove it, and from what I hear, it's the least threatning of all cancers. But she's my mom, I would feel like an inconsiderate douchefag if I just up and left her, even if it turned out not to be cancer.

Dude, be assured there are countless people going through what you're going through right now.

Sorry to hear about your mom too, I'm sure she'll be okay :)
I don't know what to think. Again.

She talked to me a couple days after we broke up and told me she still loved me and that she sabotaged the relationship because she was afraid of commitment. She told me she wants to move to San Antonio with me... My heart is telling me to take her with me but my head is telling me to get over her. I don't know if I should trust her or not.