Personal Shit Thread version 2.0

Well, this was necessary.

I'm a paranoid person. The kind of guy that can make up whole scenarios in his mind from the most insignificant things related to those who I love. For example, there's this girl I've liked for a long time now. Let's suppose some guy writes something on her Facebook page. I freak out. I go outright insane and start thinking about how everything is going to hell because of it. And from what I know at the time, it could mean nothing. I know it doesn't sound pretty nor well explained, but this is practically the first time I try to explain this somewhere. Any help ? Somebody going through this same shit ? Cheers.
Well, this was necessary.

I'm a paranoid person. The kind of guy that can make up whole scenarios in his mind from the most insignificant things related to those who I love. For example, there's this girl I've liked for a long time now. Let's suppose some guy writes something on her Facebook page. I freak out. I go outright insane and start thinking about how everything is going to hell because of it. And from what I know at the time, it could mean nothing. I know it doesn't sound pretty nor well explained, but this is practically the first time I try to explain this somewhere. Any help ? Somebody going through this same shit ? Cheers.

I used to do that A LOT. The only thing that helped me was thinking that everything is going to be alright because I noticed that EVERY TIME I freaked out like that everything turned out to be completely fine. You have to focus on the good things and realize that everything is okay.
Hope this helped at all...
tl;dr Just think about nice things and realize that everything is okay and it just all goes away.
Well, this was necessary.

I'm a paranoid person. The kind of guy that can make up whole scenarios in his mind from the most insignificant things related to those who I love. For example, there's this girl I've liked for a long time now. Let's suppose some guy writes something on her Facebook page. I freak out. I go outright insane and start thinking about how everything is going to hell because of it. And from what I know at the time, it could mean nothing. I know it doesn't sound pretty nor well explained, but this is practically the first time I try to explain this somewhere. Any help ? Somebody going through this same shit ? Cheers.

Sounds like you're in love with her. If I were you I would man up alittle and try to talk to her and take her out before some other guy does.
I used to do that A LOT. The only thing that helped me was thinking that everything is going to be alright because I noticed that EVERY TIME I freaked out like that everything turned out to be completely fine. You have to focus on the good things and realize that everything is okay.
Hope this helped at all...
tl;dr Just think about nice things and realize that everything is okay and it just all goes away.

Yeah, that's the worst part, I always end up alright. It was a waste of time.

Sounds like you're in love with her. If I were you I would man up alittle and try to talk to her and take her out before some other guy does.

You're right, I can give it a try. Anyway, if I'm gonna fuck up, I might as well go all the way.

Thank you very much for your advice :)
Time for a bump eh? Personally, no but this is the Personal Shit thread so...

I've developed serious focusing problems for the past year or so. Every time I try focusing on my schoolwork I zone out and I completely forget what I'm supposed to be doing. Because of this, my marks suffer quite a bit and this year has lead to me getting average marks as well as failing a course when I should be doing better. Now I've got my parents on my case and I'm currently trying to do better, even though my mind is at fucking war with my mouth. On TOP of that, there are two courses involved me being in the same class as a girl I used to be friends with in Elementary school. I used to be nice (but as a child I regarded myself as a complete whiner and a bitch) but I got a bit ruder and started becoming more serious socially. Now every time I try to speak to her (or rather, simply say a fucking hello) she doesn't say anything and ignores me, even though I am trying my hardest not to be a fucking asshole. Now every time she passes by me, I get angry/depressed thoughts which may soon lead to me hearing voices in my head (I've been getting lots of depressive thoughts in my head). It infuriates me because even though she was raised in high standards and I wasn't, it doesn't give her a fucking excuse to disregard me as a fucking degenerate or a footnote or a rude metal head.

Also, I'm starting to get headaches and anger problems. The only thing that's keeping me sane right now is the Devin concert next weekend.
Now every time she passes by me, I get angry/depressed thoughts which may soon lead to me hearing voices in my head (I've been getting lots of depressive thoughts in my head)

man I really know how that is. I went thru the same issue back when I was at school, I remember I was very, very frustrated.
She ignored me everytime and I was only trying to get in contact with her but she ignored it, "ohh I have nooo time" I was feeling like an atom bomb.
But I realized very fast that she was just a stupid bitch.. I often thought about and tried to think over my opinions but if someone lets you down you shouldn't waste your energy about it.
I know the deep hole you are sinking but you should focus your thoughts about positive things, maybe an awesome gig (helped me too..) drink some beer over it and trying it with different girls.
Okay it's not really a topic I have alot of experiences but try something different, it always helps.
I feel your pain man, let me tell you, when you're being polite to her, and she ignores you, that is a huge sign of immaturity.

You don't need immature people in your life, it's not worth it, you want to surround yourself with people who you can learn from and cherish constantly.
As for school, I'm horrible with advice, but don't set just one big goddamn goal that seems impossible to acheive. Set short term goals, set long term goals, don't make them so out of reach. Hell don't even just set goals for school. Pick up a hobby, do some workouts (which also has mental health benefits), if you already do workouts, do harder ones, up the reps, what have you. If setting easy goals and gradually progressing towards harder goals doesn't help you at all, I'll pay for your plane ticket and rental car so you can come over to my house and get gratification from kicking my ass.

If none of this makes sense, I apologize, I've gotten very little sleep as of late.
Time for a bump eh? Personally, no but this is the Personal Shit thread so...

I've developed serious focusing problems for the past year or so. Every time I try focusing on my schoolwork I zone out and I completely forget what I'm supposed to be doing. Because of this, my marks suffer quite a bit and this year has lead to me getting average marks as well as failing a course when I should be doing better. Now I've got my parents on my case and I'm currently trying to do better, even though my mind is at fucking war with my mouth. On TOP of that, there are two courses involved me being in the same class as a girl I used to be friends with in Elementary school. I used to be nice (but as a child I regarded myself as a complete whiner and a bitch) but I got a bit ruder and started becoming more serious socially. Now every time I try to speak to her (or rather, simply say a fucking hello) she doesn't say anything and ignores me, even though I am trying my hardest not to be a fucking asshole. Now every time she passes by me, I get angry/depressed thoughts which may soon lead to me hearing voices in my head (I've been getting lots of depressive thoughts in my head). It infuriates me because even though she was raised in high standards and I wasn't, it doesn't give her a fucking excuse to disregard me as a fucking degenerate or a footnote or a rude metal head.

Also, I'm starting to get headaches and anger problems. The only thing that's keeping me sane right now is the Devin concert next weekend.

Reading this gave me the biggest feeling of deja vu. And slight arousal :lol:

But seriously, I know exactly where you're coming from so I can sympathise... one big question I have to ask before delving further though: How old are you?
This is the kinda shit that I missed out on by not going to high school. However, I'm in similiar situation at work now sooo..... I feel your pain man.

My advice would be (as impossible as it seems) try to forget her and focus your thoughts on something constructive. Playing guitar maybe? You do that already?

Angry depressive thoughts? Voices in your head? Woe over an old friend who no longer pays you any attention? Struggling to concentrate on work?

My dear friend, at 16 years old you're exactly where I was at your age. It gets better - just keep your head up high, and don't overanalyse everything too much and you'll be absolutely fine. Trust me, I'm a doctor*

*Dave is not a doctor, do not take medical advice from him
My advice would be (as impossible as it seems) try to forget her and focus your thoughts on something constructive. Playing guitar maybe? You do that already?

I can try, but one of my courses involve me sitting right behind her. And no, I don't play guitar, but I'm considering investing in an electronic drum kit.

My dear friend, at 16 years old you're exactly where I was at your age. It gets better - just keep your head up high, and don't overanalyse everything too much and you'll be absolutely fine.

If you say so. Thanks.
Wait a second... I'm not the only 16year old here!? JESUS MACARONI PIE!!!!:yow:

Seriously dough, do what Dave says, he is a person we all trust*. Also, am was there just a few weeks ago. My friends dumped me (totally my fualt but that's beyond the point) and I felt shit. Then I started listening to more music as well as upping my workout and I feel, at least, a little bit better:)

Dave is actually a person nobody on this planet should ever put their faith in unless he likes your music