pettition for a new "ask the band" sticky thread


New Metal Member
Sep 1, 2006
greetings folks if you would think it is a good idea to have a new sticky thread where people could ask the band mature questions that are in no way retarded, answered in FAQ/or easy to find on elswhere, ask about tour dates, or bash on the band.

wouldn't that be nice folks

give a nice text based wrorr if you'd like it. Also pledge to make it an interesting thread. Not offensive or overly flattering, as those can be either boreing or lol offensive.


free blabbermouth material in other words :p

doubt Mike would be able to devote the amount of time required to keep something like that interesting enough
yah true, takes a devoted moderator to delete the retarded questions. The cannibal corpse forum is pretty strictly moderated, so alex webber answers questions frequently. thought it would be kind of neat if we could get something like that going here that is all. I would be willing to moderate and go through and delete the retarded shit myself. but lol I can't just make myself a moderator, and lol like someone would want my dumbass doing it either.
Mike does indeed post here on occasion, answering a question here or there at times, just in case you didn't know
yes, but a thread devoted specifically for that up top that is sticky.

Oh well I don't seem to be gettting much support for this so I think I'll just drop it and move on with life.
sixteeninchdrilldo said:
yah true, takes a devoted moderator to delete the retarded questions. The cannibal corpse forum is pretty strictly moderated, so alex webber answers questions frequently. thought it would be kind of neat if we could get something like that going here that is all. I would be willing to moderate and go through and delete the retarded shit myself. but lol I can't just make myself a moderator, and lol like someone would want my dumbass doing it either.

Yeah... to bad we can't find one of those devoted moderators or anything. Perhaps you are the man for the job? You're obviously knowledgable, mature, experienced, a good judge of what's retarded and what's not, and of course "devoted". Why don't you start a petition to get yourself appointed?
derbeder said:

the idea isn't too bad, though.

The fact is a few weeks ago I posted a "Let's update the FAQ" thread which got a rather weak response... doesn't seem to be a big demand for such a thing and I find a bit of irony in the fact that the OP didn't pose a single question him/her self.:erk:
It's a terrible idea cause it would instantly get swamped with five hundred morons asking misspelled, worthless questions, which would make it so the band members didn't feel like wading through all the crap and wouldn't answer ANYTHING. I've seen it happen time and time again on forums when band members poke their noses in. If there was some way to lock the thread so no more than two questions could be asked at once it might be ok.
how about we PM our questions to teh MODS....and then the mods can sort through them...adn post the ones tehy think are actually useful and valid questions in the sticky thread...!!!........Im thinkin we have atleast 4 or 3 mods right...??......we send questions to them depending on our usernames...a-f can goto Mod1...adn G-l to mod2 ....and so on.....!!!.......Keep rockin.....PEAC EOUT
It would be cool if the guys were willing to answer the questions (I'm sure Mike would be fine with it) and it was well moderated to keep out retardation.