Phobias and Fears Thread

Spiders. it turns to rage and I kill them.

Heights, with unsecured or poorly secured edges. Someone pushed me as a prank when younger, nearly fell over a ledge. No one is permitted near me when at a ledge, period, or I get pissed.

Same. I hate heights and spiders. Even if heights isn't too high, I'll still get dizzy and go into a panic mode.

As for spiders, I too turn my fear into rage. When I see a spider in my house, I make a war with it. I talk to it while I bring my 47 inch blade in for the kill. When I grab the little bastards with some TP and throw them in the toilet, I have to wash my hands and at times almost feel like I want to throw up.

Seeing them doesn't really bug me but having them in my presence does. Oh, and I fucking hate bees.
well, mine isn't weird...but i'm extremely adverse to medical needles, i specify medical because i can get tattooed no problem.

i haven't had blood drawn in the last few years without nearly fainting, which sucks because of my size....two times ago i think it was that the nurse, instead of helping me went out into the hall, waved over 3 other nurses and they then started laughing at my passing out before finally assisting me by breaking out the little smelly salt stick.

Actually some of my colleagues have weird blood/needles/dead people phobias. I just don't understand why such people choose medical profession.
JenniferGentle said:
Well we do have them up north, in the city, I haven't seen many on Long Island, thank god. I have never had one in my home.
I've seen a few at my elementary school, but never in anyone's home. I've had to kill a good number of centipedes crawling on the walls though.
I have a rather specific fear: I will be run down by an oblivious Mexican driving a boxy maroon car. The last thing I'll hear before dying is the sound of accordions and tubas.
Hahahah! Or maybe it'll be 3 Mexicans in a single cab pickup truck with step sides.
Ugh, those bagillion legged things from Hades. My sister and I have developed a pretty sophisticated way of removing critters from our presence:
1. If on the wall, place a box/trash can under them.
2. Spray them with fabreeze/air freshener. This will stun/kill them and they fall into the box.
3. Sometimes a lightsaber is useful.

This way you don't leave a smush spot on the wall or have to feel the crunch as you squish their bodies to death. :)
No phobias. I am mildely disturb/scared when I see a large spider though, then I must find another strategy to kill it. Luckily, I never found one of those collasal spiders, I would shit myself.

Not really a phobia or fear but I worry about the future a lot.