Phobias and Fears Thread

Thery're not bending light around them yet, you may have a chance with reinforcements...

Everyone (female), bring all the ass and chest (both female) you own, this will be the sexiest battle since Benny Hill!
No, no Pentagram is fine. Are you wresting? Arm wrestling? Voguing? Titty fight? many, many choices. Need a location too.
I'm afraid to lose my hair. And I'm also afraid of being spied.. I got a prank call saturday night.. and a strange girl on Opeth and CoB forums knew it just by seeing a picture of me and some friends because she say that she has superpowerz WTF I don't even know her..
Is French your first language?

Just asking. Sorry about the stalkery, you should buy a shotgun. Or a mace.