Picture Thread

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The Grand Wazoo said:
Heh. That's almost like FireAngel's and Idari's post :rolleyes: (I always first post and then read whats going on :p)
Great minds think alike, small ones never differ n_n

don´t worry bout that :) (I don´t mean the post first and read second ;) but the same opinion written down) :cool:
ouagadougou said:
psst, Anja, are you in Germany now?
yeah :) but I´ll be back in summer if all goes right (and it MUST go right :loco: )

PS: I hope in not-so-far-future I can answer this question with: no, I just settled down in Finland :D )

Ooooh. Teh Cute.. :p

You can play with my deck anytime....... ;)


(has actually fallen off chair laughing at what is possibly the worst gag i ever came up with)

Someone kill me.. lol.
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