Picture Thread

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Originally posted by phyre
IF he's cactus man, then WHERE are the thorns?

The cactus creature grows thorns when he is angry. He also throws thorns at people during battle. (This was also on Digimon). :lol:
the spaniard one :lol: Whats he doing with those sticks eh?

As for your "pumpkin man" do you have a 30 ft tall one created? I have a feeling you do, hes you general isnt he? The thorns were digitally taken from the picture so you can try and fool us into thinking hes a pumpkin man!
I'm the tiny little penguin with the major attitude! I live in Austraila, New Zealand, and other sub-artic areas near by. I'm the smallest penguin of them all, but to be honest, I'm not really over-hunted by predators or humans. Currently humans aren't harming me! :loco:


Melon@ cookies and cream!!!! *yuuuuummy* ..but well it's night and i am not hungry...so you're lucky,i won't teleport then and eat your food... :Saint:

/me ate musli for dinner....chupi :D

and well..here is a poserous pic of me...feel free to laugh for hours....:rolleyes:


yeah that is scary papi vic, not sure bout a pink room! On the other hand your forgiven has you have some of the best friggen ice cream in the palm of your hand! Send some my way will ya? =P

@mel hmm you look different every time i see you! Great none the less ;) You have great hair. Whereas me has almost no hair =P
ehmm no...I've looked the pic again, and it's not pink...not even a light effect that would make it look pink....

@thanatos: don't know.....it's just :cry:
@Fathervic: Well, maybe if you write about it you'll fell better, like me and my useless thread, wait, I don't feel better, anyway you know there's lots of people here that care right? there's |ng's thread too.
@mel: I have threee questions for you:
1. do you have to upload a pic to an web url to display it here?
2. you are one gorgeus troll(uhh not a question but a statement)
3. Why do every greek people I see wears sunglasses?
Thanatos@ 1.nooope just uppload a pic from your PC.but the pic should not be bigger than 25kb...
2.exaggerations *blushes*
3.hehe either because it is sunny outside or because their name is Mel and are superbig posers and evil-wannabes ;)
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